Own homes for families, profits for developers

POLAND Fear makes cowards of us all - and this could have been said of residential developers after summarising their results for Q1 this year. The beginning of 2012 saw the introduction of the ?S' recommendation to the market, which was supposed to turn off the mortgage taps and lower the price limits for apartments included in the Family's Own Home programme. However, developers listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange only achieved sales similar to those in Q1 2011. In total they found buyers for over 1,400 apartments. According to Reas' figures, the number of transactions on the six major markets (Warsaw, Poznań, Wrocław, Kraków, the TriCity and Łódź) grew by just under 2 pct over Q1, amounting to just over 7,500 apartments. "Admittedly, this was 5.5 pct less than a year earlier, but the result should still be considered a very good one," declares Katarzyna Kuniewicz, the director of market research and analysis at Reas.
Stability and improvementOne of the biggest companies in the sector, Dom Development, sold around 370 apartments in Q1 - slightly less than in the same period in 2011, when 399 apartments found buyers. Polnord also registered a decrease: after selling 289 apartments in Q1 2011 it saw this figure fall in the first three months of 2012 to 266 apartments. Robyg, however, has seen a small improvement in its sales results - from ?292 apartments sold in Q1 2011 to 301 in the same period this year. "In the first quarter of 2012, J.W. Construction Holding sold 206 apartments. Taking into consideration that we are currently in a wait-and-see situation on the market, we decided not to extend our offer with any new residential projects and concentrated instead on the preparation of projects that will secure our sales when the market revives," reveals Tomasz Panabażys, vice-president of the management board of J.W. Construction Holding. The company has instead been increasing its operations on th
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