Probably maybe

So soon?! Are you back already? It's now that you should be going on maternity leave," I was told by one of my acquaintances at the Eurobuild Awards gala, which took place on December 8th in Warsaw. It was my first real estate related event of this kind after a half-year break following the birth of my son, and straight away it was something of an unpleasant surprise.
I thought that the first words from my friends in the sector would be along the lines of: I'm so happy that you are already back at work. In order to stay in a good mood, sometimes you need to look for a hidden agenda - if, of course, one exists.One of the symptoms of a crisis is the growing number of pregnancies in companies. Everyone knows that when things are not going well you need to save money on (for example) your staff, so getting pregnant is a great way of protecting yourself from losing full-time employment. My above-mentioned acquaintance probably based his witty and calculated piece of advice along this line of thought. So we can probably expect hard times ahead of us. The word 'probably' is a key element here. During the gala, one financial advisor from a German bank asked me where the optimism came from which could be found in the pages our magazine - an optimism that was groundless in his opinion. On the other hand, when discussing the condition of the sector with an ag
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