Mezzanines, leasing, funds – such forms and sources of finance are not going to replace bank loans, but they may make them easier to obtain. Although these methods may be more expensive, interest in them is clearly risingEmil Górecki When it comes to real estate, nothing can replace a commercial loan collateralized by a mortgage – so claim old hands in the trade. In the light of the financial sector’s global troubles, however, most banks have put a stop on new loans and now grant them only to a narrow band of trusted clients. Perhaps it is time to find another solution? According to Piotr Górecki, associate director in the capital markets department of Knight Frank: “Of course I’ve noticed the growing interest of larger developers in ways of funding than other credit. They cannot escape the need for loans; but instead can adopt strategies to make it easier to obtain them. If a bank requires a 30-40 pct own contribution and a developer doesn’t have