Deloitte signs 11,000 sqm lease in Q22

Deloitte has signed a lease contract for office space in the Q22 project in Warsaw. The company should move in in mid-2016. It will occupy around 11,000 sqm for seven years on storeys 17–26. It is the largest transaction in the Warsaw CBD this year
“We have been working on the arrangement of the new office space with Polish architectural studio In Design. The process is still ongoing. The final design should be ready in several months,” said Tomasz Kacprzak, finance director at Deloitte. “ In mid-2015 we will see the start of the whole ferro-concrete construction and elevation montage work together with all the installation work inside the building. Deloitte will be moving into the building in May 2016 and will occupy ten levels in the middle, tower section of the building, where we will have splendid views of Warsaw,” said Rafał Mazurczak director of Echo Investment's Office and Hotel Department. “Deloitte’s deal is the largest transaction in the Warsaw CBD this year. The market is still being dictated by tenants and this deal is a result of the current state of the market. Moreover, Deloitte is providing an example of how much a company can gain when its chooses office space so far in advance. In this case the process lasted two years. We were able to analyse the market, draw up a short list, analyse the technical issues of the buildings and negotiate the lease conditions,” commented Jakub Sylwestrowicz, head of tenant representation at JLL.


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