Constuction market to shrink by 25 pct after 2020

“The upcoming 6-7 years will be good, thanks to EU funds that are flowing to Poland and relatively good situation in the private sector. Question - what will happen after 2020? I foresee some 25 pct fall of the market,” said Dariusz Blocher, the president of the board of Budimex.
“There will be much less public investment facing lack of EU funds and weak budget situation. I think, more private capital will flow to the market, but this will not create balanse in the market. Construction companies will search for new fields, like urban services, road management and maintenance, or waste maintenance,” added Dariusz Blocher. For sure we are not able to make EU give us more money for infrastructure development, but we can take care of new investments in Poland, for industry development, so companies would earn money in Poland and would want to reinvest in Poland. We should use the power of construction companies in PPP projects. Then, such companies would earn money - until now, they did not earn. When they have money, they could reinvest in Poland. Every foreign market have shown such trend. There is a need to encourage investors, create business friendly environment and law,” said Dariusz Blocher. “We have earn on relations with the public sector, maybe not much, we would like to earn more, of course, but the profitability for this sector was positive, so we can not omit this sector. Now, it is 70 pct of our market value. Even if it falls, it will cover 40-45 pct of our market portfolio, so still it will be important customer,” concluded the president of the board of Budimex.


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