Sven von der Heyden, chairman of Von Der Heyden Group

"First of all I would like to congratulate Eurobuild for having survived 20 years. During these 20 years we have seen three of four real estate downturns, maybe two of them were very heavy. And Eurobuild has managed, so congratulate to your success story in the last 20 years.
Now, what have happend, what was the most remarkable in the last 20 years? It was the ability of financing for real estate. I remember when we did our first office deal in 1995, with 10 years lease with PriceWaterhouse and it was no financing available. I could not believe it. I signed the lease believing that with this tenant I would get financing done in a week or so. It took us more than six months and it even needed to do a consortium between two banks because one bank could lend only up to USD 5 mln. So if you think about it nowadays, it sounds like a fairy tale. So therefore this was probably the most remarkable.


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