Edition 4 (219) April 2017


The building blocks of success

It would probably be hard to find a toy with stronger associations to real estate than building blocks. Everyone played with them in their childhood and apart from being pure, unadulterated fun, they gave us the opportunity to build something complicated out of simple elements, thus helping to shape our imaginations and give us the confidence to create something new – and after all, you could always take the whole thing apart and start over again.

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Investment & finance

Czechs and balances

On the Polish real estate market we are used to German, British and American funds, but for those of our readers not so familiar with REICO and Česká spořitelna, could you describe the set-up of your company?

Interviewer: Nathan North
Green projects

The profits of being green

POLAND Applying ecological standards in office buildings results in an average of 30 pct less electricity used and annual savings of around PLN 0.5 mln, according to the ‘Energy Consumption in Office Buildings’ report published by Skanska, GO4Energy and Cushman & Wakefield.

Warehouse & industrial

New markets, new formats and new records

POLAND Panattoni Europe has released its results for 2016 – out of the 1.2 mln sqm of warehouse space completed in Poland the company developed around 775,000 sqm or about two thirds of the supply. The developer is planning to debut on five new markets in 2017 and 2018 and market a new product under the name of City Logistics.

Tomasz Cudowski
Stock market report

The bull that keeps on running

The bull market on the Warsaw stock exchange lasted for another month. The WIG20 index gained over 30 pct between November and the beginning of March – and leading the charge in 2017 so far is WIG-Construction. The stock exchanges in Poland and across the world are benefiting from the promising economic climate, which, according to some economists, is the best in a few years


No small achievement

At the invitation of ‘Eurobuild CEE’ magazine, representatives of five Polish non-corporate agencies met to discuss their activities and the state of the commercial real estate market in Poland. Among the conclusions they reached was that it is often better for smaller agencies to adopt a totally different strategy than the biggest players

Anna Pakulniewicz
Investment & finance

Twenty-twenty vision

ECE – the pan-European real estate giant run by the Otto family – manages an impressive portfolio of 200 shopping centres across Europe. We asked Alexander Otto, the CEO of ECE, about the direction the company is taking to sustain its positive development in the next twenty years

Rafał Ostrowski

Prefab sprouts

Modular buildings have been going through something of a revival. Perhaps not yet in Poland, but Polish companies are among the beneficiaries of the boom. Modular products now seem to be conquering property markets across the world

Rafał Ostrowski

A market for giants

The acquisition of Starwood by Marriott last September saw the creation of the largest hotel chain in the world, with over 5,700 hotels, 1.1 mln rooms and 30 brands. How has this transformed the hospitality landscape? And what does it mean for guests and other chains?

Anna Pakulniewicz
Property management

The road from small to full FM

Small service companies on the real estate market are no longer satisfied with basic jobs – they are adding other services to their offers and fighting for clients more and more aggressively

Tomasz Cudowski

In-Spired Warsaw the winner

Some of us brought back a pile of business cards and new contracts; others came home with tips about investment possibilities in the largest Polish cities; a select few walked off bearing statuettes, while the majority of us came back with a tan and a good mood from this year’s meeting of the real estate sector on the French Riviera


Winning medals and hearts

The runners to the 37th floor of the glass tower on the ONZ roundabout in Warsaw included fire-fighters, amateurs, professionals, VIPs and special guests, who were cheered on by crowds of supporters. All the funds raised from the competition have been donated to the SOS Children’s Villages association in Kraśnik

Tomasz Cudowski


Donald Trump has graced (for want of a better word) the covers of countless publications in recent months – and not just those dedicated to covering the political scene

Nathan North


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