Edition 6 (221) June 2017


A stick, some string and… the creativity flows

We provide creative space in order to get our employees’ creative juices flowing.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Big picture

150 mln złoty

is the estimated investment cost of Virako’s latest Łódź project: Monopolis.

Retail & leisure

Burgers to the Max

POLAND The first Polish restaurant of Swedish chain Max Premium Burgers is to open on September 1st. The restaurant will be located in Galeria Dominikańska in Wrocław. Max in Galeria Dominikańska, will be located on the ground floor where a Zara shop used to operate in line with the company’s policy of not opening in food courts.


Apartments for the not-so-young

Is the construction of environmentally-friendly estates profitable? In financial terms, I mean.

Interviewer: Tomasz Cudowski
Stock market report

Hope dies last

election results in France and the promising economic news have given a boost to the world’s stock exchanges. The gains, however, were not exactly impressive, but it is worth remembering that the main indexes of the Warsaw Stock Exchange had already risen by around 20 pct since the beginning of the year while the WIG20 has reached its 2017 level of 2,400 points – and this was only predicted in the most optimistic of forecasts


Garage style in the office

The founders of Amazon, Apple, Dell, Google and Microsoft set out on the road to global domination in their garages. This has become part of the folklore of entrepreneurial culture. However, the most flourishing companies today are no longer born in such suburban settings. Innovation now thrives in revitalised factories, technological parks and even in glass and steel towers – and the real estate sector is looking to benefit from all of this

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Office & mixed-use development

Plugged in and ready to play

Modern co-working space provider Mindspace has just announced that it will be opening its first location in Poland – in the revitalised Hala Koszyki market hall in Warsaw. We spoke to Dan Zakai, the CEO and co-founder of the Tel Aviv based international company, asking him why here, why now and whether this kind of workspace represents the way forward for offices

Nathan North
Property management

A hammer, a brush and an app...

Support Technicians employed to service properties are increasingly using internet platforms for their clients’ orders. IT firms are now aware of the demand and have developed systems affordable to everyone – including universal and tailor-made apps

Tomasz Cudowski
Property management

A smarter form of access

In the future the doors of office buildings will be opened by mobile phones. This is already the trend in the West, but in Poland is taking rather longer to take off

Rafał Ostrowski

A walk into the future

Gil Peñalosa, the former park and recreation commissioner of Bogotá and now a distinguished expert on urban planning, argues that in order to improve our quality of life We have to avoid the road-centric mistakes made in some Western metropolises

Rafał Ostrowski

Why is Poland so sexy?

“Stop looking for a crisis!” urged one of the speakers during the 3rd Invested Interest Investment Market Conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences. And indeed, the panellists seemed split between enthusiasm for the bullish Polish real estate market and worrying about how long it is going to last


Beware of the pudding!

While listening to one of my friends recount his experiences I came up with a term which I have hereby officially coined. So this mate of mine notoriously keeps banging his head against pudding

Tomasz Cudowski


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