Edition 6 (231) June 2018


To boldly go where no developer has gone before...

Sod this for a game of soldiers – why do I keep putting myself through this?? This is the very last time I’m doing do it! – Do such thoughts ever go through the minds of world-class athletes? Well, yes they do!

Ewa Andrzejewska
Investment & finance

Poland – the obvious choice

Why did Globalworth decide to invest in Poland and why in Griffin Premium Real Estate (GPRE) in particular?

Interviewer Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Retail & leisure

Golden prospects for the silver screen

POLAND 2017 was a record year for the cinema sector in Poland. According to the ‘Analysis of the Polish Cinema Market’ report by Cushman & Wakefield, cinema attendance set an all-time high of 56.6 mln admissions to see both big Hollywood productions and Polish films, which have seen a notable rise in popularity. Today, there are more than 1,300 screens in nearly 500 cinemas across the country. Multiplexes with two or more screens make up only app. 25 pct of all cinemas in Poland, but account for 75 pct of all screens. Most of them (80 pct) are located in shopping centres.


Worth the wait

We are meeting not just before the official opening but before the soft opening of the Raffles Europejski Warsaw hotel. And we are also happy to be the first publication to talk to you about it. Some people are saying that it will be the best hotel in Warsaw. How long do you think it will take for competition of a similar standard to emerge in Warsaw?

Interviewer Anna Pakulniewicz
Stock market report

No fodder for bulls

Drift was the main feature of the Polish stock exchange even as spring got into full swing. In the second half of April and during May, higher growth was recorded on both the main European markets and other bourses across the region. But not in our part of the continent. Construction firms were hit the hardest once again, whereas developers were a little more resistant to the ‘bearish’ mood


No more Mordors

Poland is waking up to the importance of improving its urban space. creating entire districts out of mono-functional buildings is now out and the realisation has sunk in that cities need to be resident-friendly

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Investment & finance

No discounts

Retail parks are interesting for many as an investment product but bring real profits only to those who know how to manage them efficiently

Aneta Cichla, Alex Hayes
Green projects

The urban jungle

Leave at least some of the nature untouched – this is the advice for developers from Andrzej Kruszewicz, ornithologist and director of Warsaw Zoo. We discuss with him how to reconcile the conflicting interests of builders and the natural environment

Aneta Cichla
Property management

We didn’t start the fire

In March property managers around the world had to absorb The grim details of a Russian shopping centre blaze. How could the tragedy in Kemerovo have happened And could such a disaster take place in Poland?

Tomasz Cudowski

Łódź, Łódź – wink, wink!

The Eurobuild conference on the Polish hotel and office investment market took place at the EC1 Centre for Science and Technology in Łódź on April 18th. special emphasis was given to the Łódź market during the Łódź REdiscover section of the event


Beware of the marten – in the mountains

Could the Bieszczady Mountains turn out to be the latest ‘promised land’ for hotel investors? No, they could not. And don’t even bother trying putting it to the test

Tomasz Cudowski


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