Edition 4 (287) April 2024

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Fog on the horizon

Did you go to Cannes hoping for some answers (or at least a few hints) and then come back even more confused? Because, apart from the official optimism that we’ve already become accustomed to and are even a little fed up with, it’s possible that you might have taken away a dizzying array of contradictory reactions and impressions from MIPIM

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

Rebuilding, extending and modernising

As EPP prepares to take over the management of 12 shopping centres with 0.5 mln sqm of space, we spoke to Agata Sekuła, a board member for real estate investment and commercialisation at the company about the future of a retail market that has undergone profound changes over the last few years

Small talk

Good to invest in the family

Michał Kwaśniewski, a barrister and a partner of Quidea, tells us how family funds will work in Poland, and explains the complexities of how they are taxed and how they could also be used to invest in the real estate market


Future-proof quality

Magdalena Szulc of Segro tells us about the company’s plans and shares her opinions on how new technology and ESG have been impacting the warehouse and logistics sector – as well as the importance of competition

Warehouse locations

Big data comes to town

Data centres have been quietly opening across Poland, but they often consume more electricity than a small town. How will the country make use of the growing potential for investment in this sector?

Magda Rachwald

Keep on trucking

What on earth is going on with the Polish logistics sector? Not long ago, the industry was booming and the forecasts were of a world that was a bed of roses

Alex Hayes
Green projects

Droplets of happiness

Blue-green infrastructure has become an essential part of sustainable urban planning. As the global climate crisis and dwindling natural resources become more pressing, it’s crucial to find solutions for saving water and preserving the environment – by rethinking how to design our cities so that they can function in harmony with nature

Julia Cudowska
Case study

Art for art’s sake

Paintings in a former abattoir? No problem. Well, that’s what Ostrava city council thought as well as the architects and contractors behind the project. However, a number of problems cropped up along the way (including a change in the council and the pandemic). But in the end, the finished project has made it to the finals of this year’s Mies van der Rohe Awards

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Workplace solutions

Coffee and cigarettes

In Jim Jarmusch’s 2003 film ‘Coffee and Cigarettes’, the main characters sit in a café, smoking and talking about all sorts of everyday topics – but what’s obvious is that such meetings give their lives some meaning. That’s rather what it’s like in today’s offices. Smoking might be banned, but there’s more than enough coffee to go round

Anna Zamyłka

New opportunities in uncertain times

More than 20,000 delegates representing 90 countries gathered in Cannes for the 34th meeting of MIPIM – the global trade fair that brings together investors, political leaders and the real estate community to forge new relationships and find solutions to the challenges facing the built environment

Tomasz Cudowski

Heat on the courts

The Tournament, which was once again held on the indoor courts of the Europejskie Centrum Tenisa in Mysiadło on Warsaw’s southern outskirts, started in an unusual way – with a hearty breakfast

Anna Zamyłka

What goes around comes around

Are we now on the upward curve of the real estate cycle? And why do we have these cycles anyway?

Nathan North


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