Over the next few pages you can read some of the comments made by dogs, cats and a horse. A four-legged friend of one architect came up with the gnomic remark: “I am silent for the whole year before I say something. What about you?” I will reply on behalf of the editorial team. “We are talking the entire year: we ask questions, provoke responses, and seek out the answers. And in this issue we focus on entertainment parks, among other topics. Thriving enterprises they might be across Western Europe and further afield – and the scale of the projects announced is impressive – but what about the CEE region? Here the entertainment park adventure usually ends with news of the spectacular bankruptcies of the companies that had wanted to build them. An exception to this, however, is the dinosaur park – a segment that continues to develop dynamically. Well, I suppose we need to start somewhere.
We are doing rather better when it comes to fulfilling our dream