Upwardly mobile

The largest Polish office leasing contract in 2013 was the app. 23,000 sqm of new offices taken up by mobile phone operator Plus in an office building under development on ul. Konstruktorska in Warsaw. The companies behind this coup were White Stone Development, and MF Capital, who together developed the head office of Polkomtel (the owner of Plus). One of the people responsible for this transaction is Jan Schwarz, the managing director of MF Capital. The building, with an area of 23,000 sqm, should be completed in August 2015.
What do you like most and least about doing business in Poland?I have been doing business in Poland since the end of the 1990s and have always appreciated the way you can create and pursue business in this country. Compared to countries where I have worked before, such as in Scandinavia, Germany or Austria, you do not have so many barriers. Who do you most admire in the real estate business?There are no individuals that I admire as such in real estate, as success seldom depends on one person alone, but always on a number of factors that come together at the right time, such as brains and human capital or the willingness to take capital risks. How did you first get into real estate?I never planned to spend my working life in real estate. After university in Copenhagen I worked in London and was contacted by a bank that wanted to build up its operations in the CEE region and Scandinavia. I only figured out later that this bank was a mortgage bank and only dealt with real estate bankin
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