Small is beautiful ...and cheap

POLAND Probably the smallest apartment in the world was sold in 2010 for EUR 50,000. The area of the apartment was a mere 5 sqm. The 'apartment', on Piazza di Sant' Ignazio in Rome, was built in an alcove where a wardrobe had once stood. It consists of a shower, a washbasin and a toilet, as well as a mezzanine with a place for a bed. The size of the apartment is every bit as shocking as the price it was sold for.
Turning JapaneseMini apartments usually have one thing in common - an excellent location. Tokyo apartments are famous for being among the most expensive in the world. Around 6,000 people live in each square kilometre of the city. In Warsaw the figure is around 550 people. The capsule-apartment idea was conceived to provide accommodation to the hard-pressed Japanese on weekdays (they work so much that there is no point travelling to their permanent residences every day). Admittedly, Europe does not have such problems with population density. However, since the credit crunch the size of apartments has started to shrink at an alarming rate. Fewer and fewer people can afford homes larger than 50 sqm. Students are in an even worse situation, as they have no chance of getting a mortgage for such a "huge" flat.Student cityWrocław is an academic centre, where app. 140,000 people study every year. The unique Starter project has been set up these students in mind. In terms of price, it is inten
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