Booting up

Dozens of companies are already operating in one of the most dynamically developing economic zones in Poland, while the Słupsk area should see the opening of three shopping centres by 2008Following the reform of local government in Poland in 1998, Słupsk was relegated from the status of provincial capital, but despite this did not go the same way as other downgraded cities and today cannot complain of a lack of investor interest. The Słupsk Special Economic Zone has been expanding since 1997 growing from its initial 136-ha to today’s 219-ha – 43.5-ha of which is still waiting for tenants. Some 50 companies operate in the zone managed by the Pomeranian Regional Development Agency, which together have invested a total of PLN 605 mln, and employ almost 2,100 people. The largest investors are the ‘Łosoś’ Fish Processing Works, Bajcar and M&S Okna i Drzwi (both companies producing windows and doors), Glas, Woźniakowski, Jankowiak (car windscreens) and the I
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