Echo Investment, a public company known for its shopping centres, now has its eye on offices, with plans to develop more than 130,000 sqm of office space within 2 years. An interview with Piotr Gromniak, a board member of Echo Investment Ewa Andrzejewska, Eurobuild Poland: It would appear that you have previously rather neglected the office space market. Will you be making your presence felt on it to a greater extent? Piotr Gromniak, Echo Investment: Up until now we have implemented 9 office projects with almost 100,000 sqm of total space, which means there can be no talk of having \\\\\\\'neglected the market\\\\\\\'. Our portfolio presently includes several new office investments. These are projects in Gdańsk and Poznań, the redevelopment of an office in Kraków and also a business park in the Warsaw district of Mokotów. We are also preparing an investment in Szczecin on a site on ul. Malczewskiego, which we purchased several years ago and which we have earmarked for an office bu