Edition 10 (224) October 2017


Pleasure has many names...

According to the thesaurus, comfortable means: practical, functional, ergonomic and easy-to-use; whereas pleasant (as in giving pleasure) can be replaced by the words: kind, good, nice, cosy, idyllic, entertaining, as well as... comfortable. A little bit of linguistic gymnastics is necessary at the outset of this month’s editorial before we can move on to more concrete matters, because it turns out that they are the buzzwords in the latest issue of our magazine.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Investment & finance

Time for a little developing

Probuild has announced that it is planning to build the Pin Park office complex in Wrocław. Does this mean the project management company will now be concentrating on development?

Interviewer: Ewa Andrzejewska
Retail & leisure

The customer is king

How has the retail situation in Poznań changed since the opening of the Posnania shopping centre – a close neighbour of Galeria Malta – almost a year ago?

Interviewer: Aneta Cichla
Property management

Regulating deregulation

POLAND An amendment to the real estate management act has now come into force, introducing new regulations for real estate management professionals, including for real estate agents, facility managers and real estate appraisers. The new regulations also restore definitions for real estate management activities and the principles that facility managers and real estate agent must adhere to – provisions that were removed in deregulatory measures passed in the original 2014 act, which, as later became clear, led to severe negative repercussions for market players.

Stock market report

Developers flex their muscles

The WIG index is only 4 pct short of reaching its historic high of ten years ago. The stock exchanges of emerging markets are continuing to grow driven by strong economies and the still distant prospect of central banks tightening fiscal policy. Among the industry indexes, construction registered a decline while the developers’ index rose at the same rate as the main indexes on the Warsaw Stock Exchange


Last-minute record?

Investors in Polish real estate seemed to get cold feet during H1. The turnover, EUR 1.5 bln, was 25 pct down on a year ago and has meant Poland has slipped down the region’s rankings. However, market analysts believe that that this is just a blip and a bounce is expected before the end of the year... a big one

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Retail & leisure

Recipe for a pleasure zone

Food courts in Polish shopping centres have been getting larger and undergoing some dramatic changes. This is a trend that is set to continue, since the restaurant and café offer can potentially be turned into one of the main attractions for customers

Magdalena Rachwald
Warehouse & industrial

Relocation, relocation, relocation

Pol-Inowex, a Lublin-based company specialising in moving industrial plants, has been involved in the largest projects of this kind in Europe. We asked Bartosz Świderek, the deputy CEO of the company, who is moving, where to and why

Rafał Ostrowski
Property management

Money in the dustbin

Owners and tenants are becoming more educated, the right regulations are in place, and technological progress has also been taking place in this field – but in spite of all this the waste management in shopping centres continues to give their managers sleepless nights. What are the most difficult issues and how best can they be dealt with?

Tomasz Cudowski

Cities fit for living in

In Europe they have been around for some time. And in Poland people are now talking about them more and more, but there have been – so far – very few of them. The problem is, woonerfs are one of those kinds of projects that are often only appreciated after their completion...

Aneta Cichla

The height of fashion or off the peg?

Companies are trying to outdo each other with ideas for the most stunning office designs. Some opt for elegance and tranquility, while others are pickin garish funky designs, similar to Google’s offices. and some in the market claim that the Google-style is now passé...

Anna Pakulniewicz

Architects of the revolution

Dozens of projects developed in 2016 were entered for the second Eurobuild Awards in Architecture. The first stage of the voting took place on September 6th, when the jury chose a shortlist of finalists for each of the five competition categories. The winners of the individual categories were chosen a week later

Magdalena Rachwald, Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski

Saddle sore for Warsaw

On September 20th the ‘suits on Bikes’ ride organised by ‘Eurobuild CEE’ and THE Zielone Mazowsze FOUNDATION took place to GENERATE DEBATE ON the direction of the capital’s future development

Rafał Ostrowski

Handing on the baton

A record 20,000 runners lined up at the starting lines of the Poland Business Run


Fear not the future

The advanced technology of the 21st century is now thinking and acting for us, but fortunately humanity hasn’t given up – there are still inventions that remain brilliant in their simplicity

Tomasz Cudowski


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