Edition 3 (228) March 2018


Testing the waters

The number of trade fairs and other industry events this season? The intensity of companies’ PR activities and the number of overused adjectives in their press releases?

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Long range opportunists

How big is your Polish portfolio?

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Investment & finance

Bridging the investment gap

I must admit that I hadn’t heard of Newbridge until very recently. How have you hid under the radar so well?

Interviewer Nathan North
Investment & finance

Back in the CEE

Vienna-based FLE GmbH has been in the local news recently, with its acquisitions of Wratislavia Center in Wrocław and Residence 1 and 2 In Budapest – after being exclusively active in Austria and Germany. As a relative newcomer to the CEE markets, could you please tell us a little about your company?

Interviewer Nathan North

Europe playing catch up with Warsaw

CEE The Polish residential market is currently the most active in Central and Eastern Europe. New apartments in Poland account for more than half of all those built in this part of Europe over the last five years.


A year that won’t come again?

POLAND Last year is certain to go down in history as a period of record apartment sales on the primary market. As many as three developers broke the barrier of 3,000 apartment sales with the record holder nearly managing to sell 4,000 units, a figure that seemed beyond reach just a little while ago. However, even though the market now appears to have become predictable with its continuing growth and the resulting broken records, it may turn out that 2017 will be the last such euphoric year.

Tomasz Cudowski
Warehouse & industrial

Within city limits for Panattoni

POLAND Panattoni Europe has started construction work on its first logistics park in Białystok in north-eastern Poland. Panattoni Park Białystok will comprise three buildings with a combined area of 40,620 sqm (3,818 sqm, 22,321 sqm and 14,481 sqm) – 50 pct of which has already been pre-leased.

Tomasz Cudowski

Looking for a place to stay

POLAND Polish hotels will have more than 10,000 beds in 2018. The market in Poland is still developing, but it already includes over 2,700 registered hotels with a total of over 135,000 rooms. “This is still not much compared to Western European markets and the number of hotel rooms per capita in a given country,” explain consultants Walter Herz.

Anna Pakulniewicz
Stock market report

Traders blissfully unconcerned

On January 23rd 2018, the WIG finally broke its previous level established on July 9th 2007, reaching 67,933 points. Unfortunately, this happened just a dozen days before a rather sudden and unexpected correction emanating (as these things usually do) from the US: the Dow Jones index suffered two sessions with declines of more than 1,000 points in just a few days – the first time this has ever happened


Patience makes perfect

When some investors sense that the market has peaked, they sell. Then they take the cash and wait for the right moment to buy. This is A strategy that seems to work because, in a quarter of a century, a small real estate agency evolved into a large developer and investor operating in both Central and Western Europe. What’s next? Pavel Trenka, the group CEO of HB Reavis, and Stanislav Frňka, the CEO of HB Reavis in Poland, tell us all about it

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Innovations by Skanska

Hi-tech that brings people together

Company guests will be sent an electronic pass straight to their smartphone. Employees will be able reserve a desk remotely at the co-working office. commuters setting off for work will be sure that there is a space waiting for them in the company’s car park... these are just some of the life and work improving possibilities offered by the latest IT systems for office buildings.

Tomasz Cudowski
Investment & finance

Aiming high

Futureal’s residential subsidiary Cordia is already number one in Hungary but has much bigger ambitions, reveals CEO Gábor Futó

Alex Hayes
Investment & finance

As good as it gets?

With a total investment volume of around EUR 12.98 bln, 2017 saw a 3.3 pct increase on the EUR 12.56 bln recorded over 2016 and for the second year running set a new record for the CEE region, claims JLL. Investors’ appetites remain unsated

Anna Pakulniewicz
Office & mixed-use development

Race to the top of the skyline

New office buildings are racing towards completion across the region, but each city is running at a different pace. Some are starting to run out of breath and others can feel regional rivals breathing down their necks

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Retail & leisure

In an ever more complex market

A glance at the data for 2017 shows that in terms of space the Polish retail market has been developing more slowly than in previous years. But owners and tenants have significantly increased their activities to improve the quality of their operations for both centres and stores, adapting them to meet the customers’ current requirements

Aneta Cichla
Warehouse & industrial

Making hay while the sun shines

Industrial markets in Central Europe broke a number of records last year. We saw unparalleled demand for warehouse space and vacancy levels at historic lows despite high development levels

Rafał Ostrowski

The discreet charm of diplomacy

The embassy’s fence has to be a certain height and the building must be located deep into the plot... Magda Morelewska and Przemek Kaczkowski, partners of the Stoprocent Architekci studio, reveal the details of their design for the new Malaysian Embassy in Warsaw

Tomasz Cudowski

Breaking with the blockheads

This is a country that is not ready for eccentricity. The Polish capital certainly seems to be allergic to it. Not only are we wary of the weird, we also can’t see how it could profit the city. But it often pays off – especially in architecture – to embrace the kooky and the quirky

Anna Pakulniewicz


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