Edition 10 (234) October 2018


One tenth inspiration

A number has recently stunned runners around the world – and given them fresh impetus to excel themselves: 2:01:39.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Echo busy everywhere

POLAND Construction work has begun on the Face2Face Business Campus, which is being developed by Echo Investment at the intersection of ul. Grundmanna and ul. Chorzowska in Katowice. “We have started preliminary construction work on the first building, which means we are reinforcing the foundations and doing the water-proofing. We are planning to finish the construction work in the fourth quarter of next year,” says Paweł Szarpak, the project manager responsible for the project.

Retail & leisure

Not a human zoo

How do you think the Polish retail market compares to the American market? What stage are we at now?

Aneta Cichla Interviewer
Stock market report

Constructors back to square one

It was a case of post-holiday blues for stock market investors looking for growth in Poland. The WSE, which had a particularly severe case of the jitters, lost all of its August gains, while WIG-Construction suffered a double-digit decline once again


Buying is just the beginning

Globalworth Poland has entered the Polish market with aplomb. After several quarters of activity here, it already owns properties valued at app. EUR 1 bln. And that’s just for starters. We spoke to Małgorzata Turek, the CEO of Globalworth Poland, about new investments and what might be done with the assets that have already been bought

Investment & finance

The whole world on the Vistula

The investment market has been having another very good year, with rising transaction volumes in almost every real estate segement. Well, almost. Because the one exception is the hospitality segment, where the investment turnover has been negligible this year. Piotr Mirowski, a senior partner at Colliers International and the head of the investment advisory department, along with Rafał Rosiejak, the director of the consultancy’s hotel advisory department, tell us what all this means and what lies ahead

Interviewer Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Investment & finance

On the brink of the proptech revolution

Real Estate consultancies are predicting that technology is set to change our world beyond all recognition – and they all want to be at the forefront of this transformation

Alex Hayes
Retail & leisure

The day of the hybrid

Outlet centres in Poland have been going through something of a revival. They are now being developed in smaller cities and towns – and, in addition to offering reduced prices, they are also taking on other functions. The advantages of this format have been picked up on by developers – and might also be tempting to investors

Aneta Cichla
New technology

The second coming of the drone

The visions of airborne couriers delivering hot pizza or bags of groceries straight to our doorstep that were being mooted a few years ago might have faded, but drones are increasingly taking on different roles – such as inspecting construction sites and creating three-dimensional models of buildings

Tomasz Cudowski
Eurobuild Awards

Eight of the very best

The number 8 in some cultures is regarded as a symbol of perfection and infinity. Other people associate it with the US dollar sign ($). But for us, eight is the number of people in the running for the Personality of the Year at the Eurobuild Awards

Ewa Andrzejewska

The devil in the details

Seven categories, 83 projects submitted, thirteen jury members and two days of deliberations – these are just a few of the numbers from the third Eurobuild Awards for Architecture

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski

A ride to the river

With more people taking part, a larger number of routes and more companies involved, the second annual Suits on Bikes ride organised by Eurobuild Conferences proved that people in the real estate industry both enjoy cycling and are concerned about the issues that face the city


Some like it slow

It’s clear that if you are a true convert to slow-living, you’re never going to take a lift – especially if it goes at ten metres per second – and there are some much more healthy stairs to climb instead.

Rafał Ostrowski
Innovations by Skanska

A Spark of intelligence

It is no longer enough for a 21st century office building to just have the latest hi-tech systems without them being integrated. Such systems need to be brought together to make life simpler rather than more complex

Tomasz Cudowski


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