Edition 11 (253) November 2020


Only the good news

Don’t you sometimes feel that you’ve had enough of all the depressing news that the media have been serving up for the past few months? Or of the alternate reality version of ‘the news’ that the pro-government media in Poland and elsewhere in the region specialises in? Well, you’re not alone.

Tomasz Cudowski
Small talk

The green house effect

Dorota Bartosz of the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC)

Interviewer: Tomasz Cudowski
Small talk

From minor to major

Dominik Leszczyński, CEO, DL Invest Group

Interviewer: Tomasz Cudowski
Small talk

Mobiles and mobility

Renata Hartle, the flex-office strategy & technology solutions manager at Colliers International

Interviewer: Tomasz Cudowski
Stock market report

Covid strikes again

The autumn saw the long-dreaded return of the coronavirus pandemic, which, together with the imposition of new restrictions, has cast serious doubt on the strength of the economic rebound following the spring lockdown. Even though no European country at the moment wants to impose another total lockdown, things could become a lot more jittery towards the end of the year – as is already being reflected in the performance of the main indexes


Safe and full houses

The private rental sector has actually entered the second wave of the pandemic in better shape thanks to its experience over the previous months. After the ‘Covid wobble’ in the spring, optimism has returned to the market and those who work in it have been left in no doubt that it will continue to grow

Rafał Ostrowski

15 minutes of fame – again

Developers are now more willing to take on large-scale city-forming projects, often on former industrial sites. Such projects include all the different types of property, including apartments and offices as well as recreational and entertainment space. In spite of the economic crisis it has brought on, the coronavirus might just have put the wind in the sails of such developments

Grażyna Śleszyńska

Not coming straight home from work

Outdoor areas where office employees and the residents of estates can socialise are now the norm, but developers are also increasingly creating projects that can be used by the wider community

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Office standards

It’s great to have you back

With the lockdown behind us and another looking unlikely to be imposed, many companies are now asking their workers to return to the office. However, office managers and developers are having to put in a lot of effort to make tenants feel safe again in their buildings. And, with the help of the latest tech, they are going to some extraordinary lengths to do so

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Eurobuild Awards

Seven wonders

From the very beginning, the engine driving the development of our sector has been the special people at the heart of it: those special characters who hate sitting around doing nothing. Oscar-winning films could even have been made based on their careers. meet the real Personalities of the Year!

Katarzyna Matejuk
Luxury goods

The supermac that ain’t heavy

The word ‘ultimate’ is often and easily overused in an age that’s prone to exaggeration. However, the new McLaren 765LT could be described in just this way. In fact, it could represent one of the last hurrahs of the analogue sports car. Faster and more advanced machines will inevitably follow, but of a different technological breed – and there’s nothing like the real McCoy

Mateusz Żuchowski, Autokult.pl

Home, bitter sweet home

Having lived through the last few months, I now feel I’m in the perfect position to talk about working from home. So I want to take a look at the advantages of remote working as opposed to slaving away in the office. And also – just for a bit of balance – at the exact opposite

Rafał Ostrowski


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