Edition 5 (288) May 2024


Don’t forget the neighbours!

At almost the same time that the May issue of ‘Eurobuild’ comes out, an extraordinary book is being published that I’d like to recommend to you – the Polish translation of Boris Akunin’s novella entitled ‘Adwokat Biesa’ (The Devil’s Advocate)

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

Access approved

Agnieszka Karwala, a senior project manager at Skanska Residential, tells us how she helped to pioneer access certification for residential projects in Poland and details the various features an accessible building should have

Small talk

The double life of Renata

In an unusual Small Talk, Renata Kusznierska, the Poland regional manager of CRM Students tells us about her passion for painting as an exhibition is held in Warsaw of her work


At the speed of light

Przemysław Pawłowski, the managing director of StarNet Telecom, in an exclusive interview tells us about the revolutionary technology that will enable 5G internet to be used in properties thus making it much easier to manage telecommunications, as well as the challenges posed by cybersecurity and the law


Visionary leadership

Piotr Kaszyński, the managing partner of Newmark Polska, tells Eurobuild in an exclusive interview about the general sentiment at the recent MIPIM property fair, analyses the current financial market situation, announces plans to launch a new service line in Poland, and explains his fascination with Elon Musk’s ingenuity

Office & mixed-use development

Calling in the medics

Office properties struggling to secure tenants in the new reality need to look no further than the medical services segment – as a means to not only fill that vacant space but also to enhance the functions and prestige of the building

Nathan North

Trust but verify

Institutional investors have enhanced the professionalism of the rental sector, but having to do everything by the book means they increasingly have to address the credit risk from tenants and screen their creditworthiness and reliability. What does this mean for the Polish market – especially after the influx of Ukrainian refugees?

Alex Hayes
Retail & leisure

Morphing into malls

Consumers will always want places where they can do their shopping quickly, conveniently and cheaply – but now we are spending more time in convenience centres and retail parks, so shops on their own just aren’t enough anymore

Julia Cudowska
The Expert Eye

The crucial role of capex

Each year, landlords invest millions into their portfolios to improve their facilities – and this plays a fundamental role in remaining competitive

Pavla Procházková, Prologis
Case study

Logistics goes XXL

On an area of 80 ha just outside Wrocław, a gigantic warehouse and logistics centre, the likes of which have never been seen before in Poland, is under construction. Four different companies are now developing on one massive building site

Magda Rachwald

Waiting for the rebound

Those attending Eurobuild’s tenth investment market conference were divided into those who believe that better times are just around the corner and those who disagree. We will soon discover which of the two views are right – for better or for worse

Rafał Ostrowski

Joining the illuminati

I once worked in an office building designed by a well-known studio, but I still felt like a battery hen under artificial lights

Magda Rachwald


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