Edition 9 (291) September 2024


A very fond farewell

Welcome to the September issue of Eurobuild, which along with all the latest news, analysis and appointments, will also be the first for several years that hasn’t been edited by Tomasz Cudowski. Our now former colleague, who took over the reins of this publication in the dark days of the pandemic and then expertly guided us through it to where we are today, has left the company to concentrate on other interests. He will be much missed, both when it comes to his immense skills and experience and as a very supportive presence at the head of our team. His duties will now be shared by myself and Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska, who tells us more about what Tomek meant to us in her Endpiece column in this issue.

Nathan North
Small talk

Neighbourly support


Tomasz Cudowski
Small talk

Management through engagement


Anna Zamyłka
Small talk

The ball is in our court


Nathan North

Pretty stable

Is the Polish and CEE office market still coming to terms with the post-Covid reality? Or has the market finally adjusted to the situation and is now preparing itself for the lowering of interest rates and better times ahead? To find out, we asked a few of the players on this market how they view the current situation

Nathan North
Warehouse & industrial

Manufacturing floor space

Working with manufacturers is a good opportunity for developers to improve the standard of their buildings – but it also poses many challenges

Julia Cudowska

When the final curtain comes down

The closure of Multikino Ursynów and Multikino Poznań 51 marks the end of an era. But what becomes of such sites when the cinemas close down?

Alex Hayes
Regional markets

Waiting for peace to break out

In terms of population and area, it ranks somewhere in the middle when it comes to Poland’s regions. It is the gateway to both the South and the East of Europe. The pandemic may have awakened investor interest in the province, but the war in Ukraine has turned everything upside down

Magda Rachwald
Case study

The emotional heartbeat of the city

Warsaw’s Old Town was rebuilt just after World War II, but the decision to rebuild its Royal Castle was taken 25 years later. Plac Piłsudskiego, meanwhile. has been waiting to be restored to its former glory for the last 80 years. The reconstruction of the Saxon Palace will not only be the final act in rebuilding the city’s Trakt Królewski axis, but most of all it will return a building of symbolic value to the nation. This development, in a place of such importance to the city, is not only a long-awaited undertaking but one that profoundly touches the emotional heart of the city’s residents

Anna Zamyłka

Break-ups and comebacks

Many years ago, I wrote a poem in which I turned to my father and said: ‘I so very much fear / breaking up and returning’. These words are now more relevant than ever. Eurobuild’s editorial team has just broken up with Tomasz Cudowski, who had been its chief editor for many years. I, on the other hand, am returning to work in a new role after a year’s break

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska


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