Project on the Vistula River

Echo Investment could start work on the Vistula River project thanks to an agreement reached in 2001 with the Polish Olympic Committee. As recompense for the possibility of developing four office buildings on a site belonging to the POC, the Kielce developer undertook to construct the Olympic Centre (Centrum Olimpijskie). Shadows and radiance The Olympic Centre cornerstone was laid with much pomp and circumstance in October 2002. Poland's President Aleksander Kwaśniewski was among personalities of the world of politics and sport who addressed the official event. But much less was said about the four office buildings which began to emerge rapidly right next to that site. Waldemar Lesiak, Director of Echo Investment Department of Office and Hotel Projects told us the buildings would be delivered on schedule, in the third quarter of this year, stressing his company has obligations to the tenants with whom contracts have been signed. There are two firms
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