
Heads of Terms signed for Jerozolimskie Company House 2 TK Development have signed heads of terms with a global property investor to sell Jerozolimskie Company House 2, which will become the Polish headquarters of Microsoft, with 6,000 sqm at the end of this year. Negotiations for the remaining space in the building are ongoing. Jerozolimskie Business Park building D is sold Polish Real Property, a real estate fund within the HypoVereinsbank group is to acquire building D of Jerozolimskie Business Park from D&V Properties, an associated company of E&L Real Estates, developers of the JBP complex. DTZ represented Polish Real Property in the negotiations for the transaction but no other agents were involved. Bitwy Warszawskiej Business Centre changes hands The Austrian-based investment fund Europolis Invest has acquired 100% of the shares in Coral Bud, a subsidiary of the Belgian Ghelamco Group
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