Apollo's view from the Tower

American developer and investor, Apollo-Rida Poland has decided not to change the name of Warsaw Trade Tower, their new office block. They are very reticent, however, to talk about any other plans they have for the building. An Austrian investment fund apparently participated in the recent deal and in December, one of the banks which had financed the construction of WTT recouped the funds they'd invested Apollo-Rida have begun looking for tenants for their building but, since there are still 20,000 sqm vacant in this 33,000 sqm giant, it doesn't look as if they're faced with an easy task (by Autumn 2002 tenants were occupying around 9,000 sqm). How is the company going to tackle this problem? "We're optimistic" says spokesman Rafał Nowicki. He claims that more details will be divulged during the next few weeks when negotiations with the first prospective tenants come to an end. The company actually began talks with them a few months ago when Dae-Pol was still th
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