Breaking the spell of the eastern wall

Warehouse & industrial
POLAND Weaker economic indicators, low activity among tenants, poor infrastructure – these are among the main reasons why warehouse developers have avoided eastern Poland thus far. Changes, however, are afoot.
MLP Group is planning the construction of the first logistics park in the region. The developer with Israeli capital has bought an area of 10.5 ha in the Euro-Park Mielec special economic zone from the Lublin administrative district. The developer is planning to build facilities with a total area of 54,000 sqm on the plot on ul. Plewińskiego in Lublin, including warehousing and offices. The first stage is to come into use by the end of this year with subsequent stages to be finished in a year or a year and a half. “Even before the purchase of the land we had the first lease agreement signed,” reveals Radosław T. Krochta, the general director and vice-president of the board of MLP Group. Who is the tenant? So far this remains a secret, but it has emerged that it is a German company and the contract for 10,000 sqm was signed for ten years. According to unconfirmed media reports it is ABM Greiffenberger, which had earlier been looking for an opportunity to locate its busine
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