Looking for a house? Then print it!

Have you ever seen the Polish cartoon about the enchanted pencil that could materialise anything you drew? Well, it seems we are halfway towards developing such an invention – thanks to the magic of 3D printers
The idea is simple and yet at the same time brilliant. Do you want a bicycle? Draw one and soon you could be riding around on it. A car? No problem. A house? Here you are. It has been 50 years since the first episode was broadcast of the Enchanted Pencil [Zaczarowany ołówek] cartoon produced by the Łódź-based Semafor studio. But now such fairy tale scenarios seem close to becoming reality. Never before has this form of production been so easy. A while back someone printed out a 3D pistol on a home printer, which they subsequently got arrested for. Doctors have also managed to print out hip replacements. In the US space travel components are being printed out. But in China they’ve even started printing houses. And with some speed, too! Ten houses in 24 hours. Each house has an area of app. 200 sqm, it is a bungalow and costs only USD 5,000. Instead of construction workers and cranes, the building site was filled with four huge industrial printers (11m long and almost 7m tall
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