In the mood for a boom

The smell of money, to put it grandiloquently, was in the air in Munich, where the crème de la crème of the European real estate market was gathered at the beginning of October. But there was the unnerving feeling that the atmosphere bore a marked resemblance to 2006/07
Germany, UK, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, France, Poland, the Czech Republic, the United States, Russia and Luxembourg were the ten countries represented by the most participants, according to a report summarising the fair. The total number of all those attending amounted to 36,900, slightly more than in the previous year (36,000). “Expo this year had a strong attendance and was positive in the message it sent out about the real estate investment market. Poland’s top spot status for international investors in this part of Europe was confirmed – and it was revealed that all the activity across the sectors has even pushed prices up. Large international fund platforms are receiving significant inflows of capital and Poland should attract a large portion of this money. We have new players who are in particular screening retail assets in regional cities – and soon these should materialise in the closing of transaction
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