Extension of success

The success of Nova Park in Gorzów Wielkopolski has led Futureal to take the decision to enlarge the shopping centre. We spoke to Anna Malarczyk-Arcidiacono, the managing director for Polish commercial projects at Futureal, about its plans for the city’s largest mall.
Anna Pakulniewicz ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: Why did you decide to extend the centre? Anna Malarczyk-Arcidiacono, managing director, Polish commercial projects, Futureal: Since its opening in 2013, Nova Park has been performing very well in terms of both footfall and tenant turnover. The turnover has been growing steadily over the last few years, with an annual growth of around 17–18 pct and this is expected to continue over the years to come. This means the existing 33,000 sqm gla is definitely not enough, due to the high demand from customers and tenants. It is worth mentioning that the average amount of shopping per customer entering the centre is above PLN 50, which is considered a very good figure in regional cities of Poland. Due to our strategic tenant mix, Nova Park has not only established a strong position on the retail market, but more importantly has become for many people from Gorzów and surrounding areas a dynamic destination for shoppi
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