‘Eurobuild CEE’: Which aspects of your strategy have given MLP Group the greatest competitive advantage?
Radosław T. Krochta, president and CEO of MLP Group: First of all, there’s the fact that we are a long-term investor – and this is what our tenants appreciate the most. If someone signs a long-term contract for five or ten years, they want to be sure that the same team will be working with them for the duration of the contract. If problems arise or some changes are needed, we will be able to resolve them together with the same team. Clients don’t like being treated as an investment product, but this is what happens when today fund X is the owner of the park, tomorrow it’s fund Y, and a bit later it’s fund Z, while the property services are provided by yet another company. Such long-term predictability and stability is undoubtedly one of MLP Group’s huge advantages.
And what else is?
The fact that we have large parks located in key