Visiting former vodka factory...

"We are planning to finish most of the building in February or March 2018. The grand opening of the retail section will take place in March. Some of the buildings – on the ul. Ząbkowska side – will be finished in summer 2018," said Mariusz Kozłowskie of Liebrecht & Wood.

"This year we are planning to start construction on the next stage of the office section, on the ul. Nieporęcka side, which will comprise 20,000 sqm of office space with retail units on the ground floor. In total, Koneser will have a leasable area of 88,000 sqm, including office, retail and hotel space, of which 45,000 sqm will be taken up by office space and 22,000 sqm by retail," added Mariusz Kozłowski.


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