Edition 11 (225) November 2017


Serenade in the park

In Planty Park, which encircles Kraków’s Old Town, it was a little bit windy and rainy that day. It was then that it struck me that the trees there reminded me of middle-aged men – in that they were balder than they had been, while the yellowing leaves that still clung to them needed just a slightly stronger gust of wind to dislodge them from their branches forever.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Retail & leisure

Trei plans for Poland

A few weeks ago you announced your plans to construct Vendo Park in Dąbrowa Górnicza, which will be the first Vendo Park in Silesia. The centre will have an area of app. 12,000 sqm and will include 12 stores. According to your plans, Vendo Park is to be completed in H1 2018. Meanwhile Mirbud is finishing work on the centre in Skierniewice and its opening is planned for December. What other towns are going to appear on this investment map?

Interviewer: Ewa Andrzejewska
Retail & leisure

Atrium to invest EUR 300 mln in mall redevelopment

POLAND Atrium Poland has set to work with its plans to redevelop its key shopping centres in Poland and work is already in progress on all three of its Warsaw malls: Atrium Reduta, Atrium Targówek and Atrium Promenada. As a result, a triple ‘grand opening’ is expected in a year’s time. Atrium’s current portfolio in Poland consists of 21 centres with an average size of 25,000 sqm. However, the company is currently reviewing its strategy and assets and intends to start selling off its smaller centres and reinvesting the funds acquired in its larger malls.


Two to tango

Does a partnership of two medium-sized companies have any chance of success in the Polish private rented sector? Where did the idea for this partnership come from?

Interviewer: Tomasz Cudowski

Three MGalleries for Poland?

Why did you decide that the first Polish hotel of your brand should be in Wrocław?

Interviewer: Anna Pakulniewicz
Stock market report

No stars among the builders

With the strong growth in prices on the global stock exchanges and the WIG hovering at just below its record level, some analysts have been led to take a look at the last time the market underwent a major correction. But the voices predicting more growth by the end of 2017 have been getting louder


Not quite a piece of cake

Customers’ shopping habits are of utmost importance to shopping centre managers. The point is that consumer habits are continuously changing. What a centre offers depends on what customers buy. Meanwhile, the way tenants operate and the services available in a mall depend on the way in which people do their shopping. As if this was not enough the Polish government is about to throw another spanner in the works – a ban on Sunday trading

Aneta Cichla, Tomasz Cudowski
Investment & finance

Being in the people business

South African REIT Redefine Properties has flown over looking for a piece of the Polish real estate market. To this end it has taken a 40.12 pct stake in Echo Polska Properties. We asked Redefine Properties CEO Joseph König what he finds so alluring about the Polish climate

Alex Hayes

If you build it, they will come

Danish urban designer and mobility expert Mikael Colville-Andersen tells us how to improve the feeling of a city and why he wouldn’t even bother to take his kids for a bike ride in Warsaw

Rafał Ostrowski
Retail & leisure

Never discounting the possibility

The appearance of discount stores in shopping centres is the latest stage in their development. Stores with products marketed at less affluent consumers are now being accepted as places for everyone. And if they are for everyone, they should also be everywhere

Aneta Cichla
New technology

Getting it out of your system

They say that no company with more than 20 employees and 50 customers is able to cope without the support of a CRM system. And real estate companies are no exception to this rule

Tomasz Cudowski
Eurobuild Awards

The magnificent eight

This year there are eight outstanding candidates, each of whom would fully deserve the title of Personality of the Year. Sadly, only one can take the prize. The eventual winner is to be announced at the Eurobuild Awards Gala.

Ewa Andrzejewska

The tail wagging the dog

The greatest – and perhaps only really pressing – issue for developers and office building owners right now is that tenants are having problems recruiting the staff they need


Architecture rediscovered

For the second time, architects and industry representatives met at the annual Festival of Architecture in the headquarters of the Association of Polish Architects [SARP]. The event was organised by ‘Eurobuild CEE’ with a similar programme to the first festival held last year. But still, there were also some surprises

Rafał Ostrowski

Take a walk on the bright side

This year’s Expo Real in Munich could best be summed up by the crowds, which were every bit as impressive as those of the Oktoberfest that had just finished the day before the trade fair. The general mood was also similar to that of the beer festival


On the decline

“The name of our company cannot be declined!” This is something our editorial team is told over the phone more often than “Have a nice day.” Well, actually, it can be. And we’re going to do it. Sorry, but this is in fact the language we speak here

Anna Pakulniewicz


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