Edition 1 (275) January 2023


New year, new challenges

Russian poet and singer Alexander Vertinsky wrote in his memoirs on January 8th 1918: “Life in Moscow had become harder...

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

Time to optimise

Tenant representation agency ITRA has been operating on the Polish market for almost a year - and what an eventful year it has been! We spoke to Artur Sutor, the CEO of ITRA Poland, about the year that was and the one ahead of us

Small talk

More flex in the city

Flex space operator Mindspace is opening its second location in Warsaw, in the Skyliner building. And is targeting a different type of client – the big corporations. As Michał Kwinta, the company's city lead for Poland, explains

Small talk

APP and its apps

APP-Projekt is aiming to stay at the forefront of the technological changes that are transforming the Polish project management scene. Jacek Korwin-Małaszyński, a board member of the company, tells us how

Stock market report

Not a bad ending to a poor year

The first few weeks of 2022 saw the Warsaw Stock Exchange recover some of its losses over the year, but this doesn’t make up for the fact that it was a weak one for those investing on it. The WIG and WIG 20 both fell by around 20 pct, which is a lot worse than the sector specific indices, as the WIGBUD actually rose over the year, while the WIG Nieruchomości index saw only a single figure loss


Virtual certainty

As we enter the age of the metaverse and become increasingly active in the digital world, has virtual real estate now also become a thing? If so, what exactly is it? And could it be worth investing in?

Nathan North

How the land lies

Despite a year marked by war, raging inflation and global economic chaos, the land investment market in Poland appears to be holding its own

Alex Hayes

Following the footprints

Every tonne of concrete produced, each lorry transporting part of a façade, and each hour a building site crane is in operation generates kilogrammes of carbon dioxide. But in order to reduce such emissions, you firstly have to be able to measure them

Magdalena Rachwald

The resurrection of Łazarz

On the edge of Park Wilsona in Poznań stands Betonhaus (Hala Betonowa) – an exhibition centre that dates back over 100 years and that for many decades was used as a college. The building was put up for sale ten years ago and eventually bought by an investor intent on restoring the entire area to its former glory

Julia Cudowska

Homes, trains and automobiles

PRS projects are now often being built on the outskirts of large metropolises in Poland, far from the city centres. In such cases, decent public transport and a wide range of amenities are needed

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Warehouse & industrial

The rise of the robots

Robots, cobots and AI are being used more often and more effectively in logistics operations, where they have been changing the model of how people work. We spoke to Magdalena Morze of the Łukasiewicz Poznań Institute of Technology, who is writing a doctorate thesis on human robot interaction (HRI), about what kind of working interactions take place between humans and robots in warehousing and production centres and whether the time has come for machines to replace people in this sector


Saunas and… so what?

It might seem that the wellbeing of the workforce, which I understand as the safety, comfort and expected working conditions of employees, is a basic requirement for a business to be considered successful...

Julia Cudowska


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