Edition 3 (276) March 2023


In an underground labyrinth

Warsaw mayor Rafał Trzaskowski recently made the claim that by 2050 the city’s metro system will comprise 103 stations and five lines, with connections to 17 of its 18 districts. That gives us a very good reason to try to live that long so that we can hold him to his promise – all the more so that some of us, due to our age, will then be able to travel free of charge.

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

Black swans and cycles

Piotr Trzciński, the Poland, head of Savills Investment Management, gives us the investors' view of how we have coped with a year of unpleasant surprises and how things look like settling down again this year

Small talk

Time to show what we can do

Łukasz Mazurczak, the managing director of MVGM, tells us about the evolving role of the property manager in the new reality – and how the PRS market in Poland is becoming increasingly attractive, not just to investors but to managers too

Small talk

Getting into the ESG groove

Eurobuild CEE spoke to Agnieszka Giermakowska, the ESG lead of consultancy Newmark Polska, about where the office market is heading, whether the warehouse market is n danger of over-saturation, and how she already lives and works in line with ESG ideals

Stock market report

Hope returns

The mood on the global stock exchanges in the first few weeks of the year turned out to be surprisingly bullish. Both the sector and the wider market indices showed significant gains. The good feeling stemmed from the growing confidence that inflation can be controlled along with the news that the largest economies are in better shape than had been predicted a few months ago


Coping out of the comfort zone

The beginning of the year is usually a time of renewed hope, a reset after reflecting on the previous twelve months of hard work. But last year saw an unprecedented conjunction of events – the return of inflation, interest rates hikes after many years of zero rates, and, above all, the outbreak of war in Ukraine

Nathan North

Owning the unknowns

At the beginning of this year, Globalworth, one the CEE region’s most prominent property developers and investors, appointed a new CEO – Dennis Selinas, who has taken charge of the company’s EUR 3.2 bln portfolio, which is mainly located in Romania and Poland. We asked him about the current market volatility, Globalworth’s plans to negotiate this, and how soon we should expect some kind of normality to return

Nathan North

Polish builders take on the world

Over the last few years, our local construction companies were able to build up their strength during the economic good times. But in the current situation, some of them are actively seeking work further afield

Magdalena Rachwald
Retail & leisure

Shopping trolleys fill up once again

There has been no let-up in the turbulence on the retail market over the last few years, but not everyone is feeling the pain due to these extraordinary conditions. Indeed, some retail formats have even picked up a new head of steam

Julia Cudowska
Warehouse & industrial

Strong medicine

As the post-pandemic need for pharmaceuticals continues to grow, so does the demand for the specialised warehousing designed for storing them. And naturally this has to be built in line with strict legal regulations

Alex Hayes

A sustainable point of view

According to the UNFCCC annual report for 2021, there was 246 mln sqm of buildings worldwide in 2020. Five years earlier, the figure was 9.8 pct less. At the same time, CO2 emissions from buildings shrank by 17.2 pct and energy consumption by 5.7 pct. as the volume of real estate grows, it is not being accompanied by a greater environmental impact. This is the result of increased ESG awareness. corporate activities in this area are now focused on streamlining the consumption of utilities, but comprehensive, long-term strategies are of key importance

Paweł Kotlarski of CBRE

Time to turn targets into reality

One of the objectives of the European Union’s taxonomy is to divide investment products into those that can and cannot be considered “green” in the context of potential transactions

Danuta Grzywacz of Westbridge

Inspected by penguins

Seen from the air, it will have the shape of a three-pronged star. It is to be constructed from prefabricated modules that have travelled 40,000 km and over the ocean from the factory to the building site. Poland’s new Antarctic station should be ready by 2024

Magdalena Rachwald

A trip down memory lane

I’ve now been living in Poland for nearly 30 years and the scary thought occurs to me that I’ve now spent more of my life here than in the UK. One thing seems clear to me though: the country has changed – and by a great deal

Alex Hayes


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