Edition 10 (174) October 2012


The only thing that's certain is the uncertainty

I am filing a complaint. For nearly four years the key word that has featured in conversations about the future of the real estate market, and forecasts for the next year or two about the plans of different companies, investors or financial institutions, has been... uncertainty'

Ewa Andrzejewska
Green projects

Green schools cost less

POLAND Ecological solutions for the construction industry are becoming more and more popular. They are now being used not only by developers of commercial facilities but also by local government. An unusual "ecological school" is currently being built in Marki on the outskirts of Warsaw.

Zuzanna Wiak
Stock market report

Developers smiling, while constructors frown

The flood of money promised by central banks has whetted investors' appetites for share purchases. The indexes have sky-rocketed, but construction firms are being left behind


Playing the waiting game

After an improved 2011, volumes have recently shrunk back again amid worries over a double-dip recession and stricter banking regulations. To discuss these and other connected issues we have invited a number of eminent experts and players on the real estate investment market for our annual 'Eurobuild CEE' Roundtable debate

Nathan North, Alex Hayes
Investment & finance

Age has its beauty

There are many projects throughout the region to refurbish historic buildings. Such buildings often have character and prestige, and moreover will often keep their value over the long term

Alex Hayes
Investment & finance

Healthy profits

There are still 45 state-owned health resorts in Poland and the time has come to privatise them. By doing so Poland is following a route which has been trodden by other countries in the region

Alex Hayes, Aneta Cichla
Eurobuild Awards

Selecting the best

Want to play an important role on the commercial property market? Simple - register for the Eurobuild Awards jury. Its members have a real bearing on the overall assessment of the sector as well as on the choice of firms and projects that have stood out this year. Registration has now started

Aneta Cichla

Fun on the fairway

The weather in the second weekend of September may have started somewhat under-par, but soon brightened up in time for Eurobuild to welcome players from the property sector for our latest golf and tennis tournaments

Zuzanna Wiak

More courage!

Real estate people often have a lot of interesting things to talk about. But whenever they say something intriguing, they tend to quickly add "that was off the record" - leaving us unable to print some important insight

Aneta Cichla


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