Edition 9 (223) September 2017


Two worlds colliding?

I am curious to know if you agree with what I’m about to say. Each advisor in any business line needs to earn their living.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Ready, steady…

Avestus has announced several new projects, including Imagine in Łódź. When will the construction work on this project be launched?

Interviewer: TSG
Retail & leisure

Doctor in the mall

POLAND We all need to go to a doctor sometimes. And we also need to go to the shopping centre from time-to-time. So why not combine the two? The founders of Medic Express – a new chain of medical centres which is to open in malls in the largest Polish cities – have come to the same conclusion. Two centres have been opened so far: in Janki near Warsaw (in Centrum Janki at the end of May) and Posnania in Poznań (at the beginning of June). Over the next three years, the company is planning to open 25 clinics.

Ewa Andrzejewska

Half-year full of records

POLAND The figures for apartment sales in the first half and second quarter of the year have been giving the residential market much to be cheerful about. The winding down of the government’s Apartments for the Young programme and some forecasts of a possible economic slowdown have clearly failed to put developers off their stride, as they break more sales records and set themselves even more ambitious goals for the entire year. We took a closer look at some of the data published by the largest players on the residential market.

Stock market report

Profits from the property players

Ten years after the financial crisis first broke, the main index of the Warsaw Stock Exchange – the WIG – is gradually returning to its historic peak. This is only happening thanks to the boom on the other trading floors of emerging markets, which is being driven by the weakening dollar and increases in the prices of raw materials. However, the midsummer turned out to be a weaker period for the indexes of construction companies


Taking on all-comers

Will Cresa, which exclusively provides tenant services for the office, industrial and retail segments, alter the balance of power in the advisory sector? After several months of preparations, Piotr Kaszyński, the managing partner of Cresa in Poland, has announced his plans, declaring: We will be able to compete with everyone: large, medium or small. We’re ready for this!

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Value in Wrocław

BD, a global medical technology company, has now opened a shared service centre in the Business Garden complex in Wrocław. Site director Sudheer Kaavil Valappil gives us an insight into how the company’s approach to its employees influenced this decision

Rafał Ostrowski
Investment & finance

Springing out of Romania

Globalworth is a Romanian company listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. Since its incorporation in 2012, it has grown to hold a portfolio of 17 properties worth an estimated EUR 1.1 bln, and after a EUR 550 mln eurobond issue it has now turned its eyes to Poland. We talk to Dimitris Raptis, the deputy CEO and chief investment officer of the company, about Globalworth’s future intentions

Alex Hayes
Retail & leisure

Click bait for the buyer

Online shops are doing everything they can to make customers happy: they are now able to deliver parcels on the same day – or even in less than an hour; they are planning to despatch parcels by drones and to train couriers to track recipients. Meanwhile, many consumers actually prefer to simply collect their shopping in a physical store. And this has very real advantages for the seller

Magdalena Rachwald
Green projects

Well, well... Well!

Multi-criteria environmental certificates, which are already establishing themselves in Poland, involve analysing a project from every possible environmental angle and identifying the smallest deviation from sustainable construction patterns. So what do we need another system for?

Tomasz Cudowski
Warehouse & industrial

In ascending order

Developers are finally expecting to make their presence felt in the build-to-own segment – a field where they could increase both their turnover and the number of their clients

Rafał Ostrowski

Putting wind in their sails

All the money raised last December was donated to the Iskierka foundation, which has been providing care for children suffering from cancer and their families for over twelve years. The foundation used the funds to buy equipment for a cancer ward in Zabrze, as well as to take some of the children and their parents on an unforgettable sailing holiday in Masuria


The balls for making money

The annual JLL charity volleyball tournament for the property sector took place on August 3rd. Although this was in the middle of the vacation period, the venue, La Playa Music Bar club in Warsaw, was full


A keener view from afar

Returning from leave can be painful. But as psychologists often say, taking long breaks allows us to take in a really deep breath, recharge our batteries and rediscover the desire to work. There’s some truth in this because, after a year of maternity leave, I’m back within the walls of the ‘Eurobuild CEE’ publishing house, champing at the bit to get going again

Aneta Cichla


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