Edition 5 (230) May 2018


A spring in our steps

Suddenly this morning, she knocked upon my door Warmer days, you came to me, sooner than I’d thoughtHer wet coat off, I sat her oppositeI smelled that scent and everything was lit!Oh! Spring it’s you!

Ewa Andrzejewska
Investment & Finance

The distress of investment

The first time we heard of Focus Estate Fund was when you bought the Galeria Sandomierz mall in mid-2016 and later when you bought a centre in Ostrava a couple of months later. What are the reasons for a Kyiv-based firm to focus on real estate in Poland and the Czech Republic?

Interviewer Rafał Ostrowski
Retail & leisure

Jumping onto Jatomi’s treadmill

POLAND At the beginning of 2018 Pure Health & Fitness, the owner of the Jatomi Fitness chain, announced the closure of its operations in Poland. It had clubs in 37 shopping centres across the country at the time. As Trevor Brennan, the CEO of Jatomi Fitness said, the chain was discussing the transferral of its lease agreements to other fitness operators with shopping centre owners. And these negotiation have been largely successful with others taking over Jatomi’s previous locations and with this frequently resulting in the expansion of these clubs’ own brands.

Aneta Cichla

Why buy, just rent

Within the last year or so people have suddenly started to want to get into the private rental sector. Why now?

Interviewer Alex Hayes
Green projects

Doing the job Well...

How and why did you come to found the International Well Building Institute?

Interviewer Alex Hayes
Warehouse & industrial

Urban logistic centres ready to go national

POLAND 7R is to build around a dozen small business unit warehouses (SBUs) across the country. The centres will be called City Flex, which is to be the first urban logistics chain in Poland. The developer has so far completed the purchase of six plots and one project has already been started in Siemianowice Śląskie, while two further projects are to start before the summer (in Szczecin and Łódź).

Tomasz Cudowski
Warehouse & industrial

Panattoni to build largest warehouse in Poland

POLAND Leroy Merlin, which is consolidating its distribution chain in Poland, has leased 123,300 sqm of space from Panattoni Europe in Piątek near Łódź. The BTS warehouse is to be the largest logistics building in the country, although there have been larger leases that have included space on mezzanine floors such as a 146,000 sqm contract in Gliwice and 135,000 sqm in Sosnowiec, both of which were signed last year. In the case of the Leroy Merlin project it is the actual size on the ground level and this is what will make it the record-holder for the Polish warehouse market.


Following the master plan

If there hadn’t been a master plan covering all of pl. Defilad square, what would you have designed for it?

Interviewer Anna Pakulniewicz
Stock market report

Attack of the wobbles

The winter-spring correction was supposed to have been an opportunity to buy, with the world economy in rude health. However, instead of focusing on the economic fundamentals, investors have been worried about the prospect of a trade war, tensions with Russia and the Facebook scandal.


What’s the story, branding glory?

How can you sell something that doesn’t even exist yet? And sell it to the punters instantly? The property market in other countries has had the answer for some time – coming up with a compelling brand

Anna Pakulniewicz
Investment & Finance

It’s not the letterhead that counts

A few months ago they left the corporations they worked for and went their own way. How have they fared since taking this bold step? What has been the reaction of the market towards them? And was it a good time to take this plunge into the unknown? We talked about all this and many other issues with the founders of the Kucharski & Partners law firm

Investment & Finance

Put up a parking lot?

Multi-storey car parks in Poland are a difficult topic for investors. It’s simply not profitable to build them – and as a result there are very few projects of this kind

Rafał Ostrowski
Innovations by Skanska

Virtually risk-free

We take a look at how modern technology can be used to improve safety on the construction site with Anna Tryfon-Bojarska, the head of innovation and technology at Skanska Poland (construction)

Interviewer Tomasz Cudowski

Winter is coming... not!

Global warming and modern tech have got together to put an end to the need for general contractors to abandon their sites for several months of the year

Tomasz Cudowski

Rhapsody in blue

The Autism Awareness Month started on April 2nd with the ‘Blue for Autism’ campaign. Every year the annual event organised by the Synapsis Foundation is supported by companies from the real estate sector – including ‘Eurobuild CEE’


The mothers of investment

Mother’s Day, which in Poland we celebrate in May, does not usually come up in real estate discussion. Well, by the time you get to the end of this article, you should be able to see just how wrong this is

Rafał Ostrowski


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