Edition 6 (269) June 2022


A world populated by experts

Government educational programmes on the TV are always keen to inform us that Poles are jealous of the whole world, but at the same time, each nation without exception holds a deep admiration for us. We are the subject of everyone’s attention and the topic of in-depth analyses by all those countries where nothing goes quite to plan

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

Smooth(er) sailing

Swedish real estate investor Eastnine has until now mainly been active in the Baltic states. As it takes the plunge into the Polish market with its first acquisitions, we asked the company's CEO, Kestutis Sasnauskas, why here and why now? (among other questions)

Stock market report

Troubling times

The Warsaw Stock Exchange has been performing poorly recently in comparison to other trading floors across Europe, even though the economy has been surprisingly resilient and the expected slowdown shouldn’t be so severe. Inflation is undercutting construction firms’ profitability, but developers still seem to be in a happy place


Taking the strain of Ukraine

With the arrival of more than 3.5 mln Ukrainians, all of a sudden rental apartments have become increasingly unavailable. What does any of this mean for the still emerging Polish PRS sector?

Alex Hayes

Growing stronger

Despite the difficult conditions over the last years, he has managed to build a strong team that has made a name for itself on the market – while the rebranding of the company at the height of the pandemic came as a real surprise for the entire sector. Piotr Kaszyński, the managing partner of Newmark Polska, talks to ‘Eurobuild CEE’ about the advisory’s growth, consistency and successes

Tomasz Cudowski

White-and-red Czechs

A Bohemian (and Moravian) rhapsody of investors and developers has been making an impression on the Polish property scene lately. Why here, why now and what are these Czech funds and companies planning to do next in Poland?

Nathan North
Human resources

Building a way through the glass ceiling

Women – and this should come as no surprise – tend to do very well in the real estate sector. They are also working in fields that are stereotypically seen as male. They are thriving in technical roles, they make effective managers and they also sit on management and supervisory boards. They have achieved all of this thanks to their own ability, their hard work and determination and also due to the culture of their companies

Magdalena Rachwald
Retail & leisure

Still flying high

All the different types of shopping centre, including large malls, have seen rising sales revenues sales this year in Poland. Thus the entire sector has reasons to be optimistic. What hasn’t changed is retail parks are leading the pack – and for this type of asset the saturation rate in some locations is even becoming problematic

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
Project showcase

Hitting the high C

On the one hand, it’s the first class A office building in Bielsko-Biała; while on the other, it’s one of the most modern concert halls in Europe, with the most superb acoustics. Musicians, concert-goers, and corporate employees are all set to converge on Cavatina Hall

Magdalena Rachwald

Souped up servings

Our Endpiece columns have recently been pre-occupied with the tragedy unfolding across our south-eastern border. But some time ago, I decided to write about something more uplifting. So forgive me for a moment of light-heartedness amid darker events as I return to this topic

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska


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