
Lease signed at Zeran Park for 1,500 sqm Soraya, a company owned by the Swedish-American cosmetic consortium Alberto-Culver, have signed a lease to take up around 1,500 sqm of office and warehouse space at Zeran Park, which is located seven kilometers from Warsaw and was developed by Apollo-Rida Poland. It consists of four buildings totalling 52,000 sqm. South Korean car manufacturers consider Poland Representatives from the South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai Motor Co have been touring Central Europe, with the intention of building a plant in the region and Poland was first on their list of destinations. In a meeting with Prime Minister Leszek Miller and Deputy Economy Minister Andrzej Szejna, the appeal of Poland as the region's biggest market and its impending entrance to the EU was emphasized, and a detailed offer for the construction of the plant has been submitted to the manufacturers by the government. Hyundai are also consid
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