Christmas has come early?

Stock market report
Although in October and November the pandemic was still raging, investors could finally see the light – and maybe even a few of them, the end of the tunnel itself. As a result, the indices rose despite the recession and the restrictions as faith in a brighter future won out. More to the point, this faith was not unfounded
On November 24th, for the first time in history, the Dow Jones in New York rose to 30,000 points. This might seem surprising considering the coronavirus crisis had infected almost 60 mln people around the world, but recent weeks had been very kind to investors. Firstly, Joe Biden won the US presidential election. Although many believe that with the Democrats in the White House, taxes are sure to rise in the world’s most powerful country, the current incumbent, Donald Trump, has proven to be completely unpredictable. It’s hard to belittle the economic achievements of the Trump administration, which included the rapid growth of the stock market and record low unemployment just before the pandemic, but the president’s impulsiveness in international relations and his trade war with China injected much uncertainty into the financial markets. Moreover, Trump ignored the pandemic in the name of economic growth, which seems to be the mistake that buried his chances for re-ele
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