Edition 1 (165) January 2012

Investment & finance

Australian ending to DTZ saga

WORLD At the beginning of December, Australian property services group UGL, through its subsidiary United Group Europe, completed the GBP 77.5 mln acquisition of all the operations of 227-year-old UK-based real estate consultancy DTZ Holdings in a pre-packaged administration deal.

Nathan North

Probably maybe

So soon?! Are you back already? It's now that you should be going on maternity leave," I was told by one of my acquaintances at the Eurobuild Awards gala, which took place on December 8th in Warsaw. It was my first real estate related event of this kind after a half-year break following the birth of my son, and straight away it was something of an unpleasant surprise.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Eurobuild Awards

Everyone's a winner

Another year for the property market reached its symbolic conclusion on December 8th 2011 with the presentation of 31 statuettes to honour the companies and people working in our sector. It was loud, it was fun and it was also moving

Eurobuild Awards

Night of glory

The Eurobuild Awards Gala has once again been and gone, but this time the event was even bigger and better than before. A total of 177 jury members were gathered to deliberate on 25 awards and decide who was worthy to be honoured with one of the prestigious statuettes

Eurobuild Awards

Hail to the victors

For the second time, tenants have voted for the best Polish warehouse, shopping centre and office project. But this time is the first that they have selected the best office and retail facility managers. Statuettes awarded in recognition of such excellence are now gracing the offices of Atrium Poland Real Estate Management, Mermaid Properties and Panattoni Europe

Zuzanna Wiak
Retail & leisure

Build it quick

POLAND The strategy is simple: buy an attractive plot, develop the project and sell it at a profit. "We looked at several markets in the CEE region, but after conducting thorough analyses we decided to opt for Poland, where we can focus on the retail market.

Radosław Górecki

A student residence

POLAND Do you still have a student ID card? If so, Dolcan is offering you a discount on every flat. The developer is working together with Alior Bank for its ?Flats for Student' programme.

Krzysztof Tomaszewski

New shape from Kaniewski

POLAND PKN Orlen, the biggest company in Central Europe. Kaniewski Haute Design, a small Warsaw-based team led by the famous designer Janusz Kaniewski. What do they have in common?

Mladen Petrov
Stock market report

Waiting for winter to bite

Another fruitless summit of EU leaders deterred Santa Claus from his traditional ride around the stock exchange indexes. Fortunately the Christmas period passed by without any signs of panic


A tale of two Euros

Last year seemed to start out so well for the region's real estate markets, as optimism abounded that the bad days might finally be behind us. If we glance at the investment volumes for 2011, it might look as though it also ended on the same cheerful note - on course for the biggest volumes since the boom year of 2007. appearances, However, could well be deceiving

Nathan North, Alex Hayes

Forgiving architecture

He started drawing at the age of six. A few years later, Polish-born Zvi Hecker became an architect without realising it. Today, at the age of 80, Israel's most eminent architect, now based in Germany, is still doing what he loves most

Mladen Petrov

Flat, skinny or healthy?

When a banker at the conference was told that he looked good, had a nice tan and had lost some weight, he replied: "Just like our industry, which has also lost weight!" A joke told in the lobby, where one could sense less optimism than from the experts on the stage


Ear we go

At the end of a year a columnist has usually used up all his ideas and is having a really hard time coming up with the first column for the new year. Once again the strategy of playing-it-by-ear comes to the rescue!

Mladen Petrov


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