Edition 7 (232) July 2018


Hot gossip

Let he who is without gossip cast the first rumour.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Hitting ten million

POLAND Poland already has 10 mln sqm of modern office space, according to Savills.

Anna Pakulniewicz
Retail & leisure

LPP on the tech offensive

POLAND Fashion retail group LPP, the owner of such brands as Reserved, House, Cropp, Mohito and Sinsay, is investing in a number of hi-tech projects – including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, a stock management system and its store vision system.

Aneta Cichla
Retail & leisure

Children in the shopping spotlight

POLAND Rooms for parents with children, public playgrounds and a specially tailored range of services – this is now becoming the norm for most Polish shopping centres, according to the third ‘Child-Friendly Shopping Centres’ [‘Centra Przyjazne Dzieciom’] report by Colliers International, the Polish Council of Shopping Centers [PRCH] and research company Ariadna.

Aneta Cichla
Stock market report

Flat-lining on the WSE

WIG-Construction has lost more than 20 pct since the beginning of the year – twice as much as the WIG index. The global markets have been made jittery by the tense political situation in Europe, where the future of the EU has once again become uncertain


In perfect co-working order

With Warsaw now one of the fastest growing co-working hubs, the CEE region is very much in the forefront of global office trends.The world’s largest brands as well as developers in this niche are all becoming aware of the excellent business opportunities here.

Rafał Ostrowski

Owning the whole process

Having a general contractor within your real estate group is one approach you can adopt to limit the impact of construction industry issues on the residential sector. It means greater control over the investment process and you can avoid being the victim of price fixing

Tomasz Cudowski
Innovations by Skanska

A concrete solution to smog

A pavement that removes smog from the air is being tested on the construction site of the Generation Park office park in Warsaw – the first commercial installation of its kind in Central Europe

Tomasz Cudowski

A quick fix improves the mix

Nothing lasts forever – and sometimes that’s a good thing. Before the building work can properly get underway, a neglected part of the city can be reintroduced to its inhabitants for a while. the benefits for them – and the eventual project – can be considerable

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
New technology

Hi, robot!

This is not a science-fiction scenario: robots are already replacing us in the office. So we spoke to an expert in office robotisation – Mariusz Pultyn, the board member for technology at Polish technological start-up Digital Teammates

Interviewer Rafał Ostrowski
New technology

Light reinvented

We discussed the company’s new name, its new mission and the evolution of its market with Bogdan Rogala, the general manager of Signify Eastern Europe (formerly Philips Lighting Eastern Europe)

Interviewer Tomasz Cudowski

Poland in the spotlight

The investment attractiveness of Poland remains high. However, what are the prospects for the development of the real estate market in the context of the continuing GDP growth, increasing consumption and strong industrial activity? These and other questions were answered by the experts and panellists at the conference


The balls and then the ball…

The gods were smiling on Eurobuild’s 13th Tennis Tournament and 17th Golf Tournament on June 29th


A slice of millennial life

I’m sitting at my desk, nervously glancing at my watch. The bell rings. I run to the door to say hello and am almost at the point of saying “Good morning, come in, would you like coffee or tea?”... but then I’m crestfallen once again. It’s just a courier, not the job candidate I was waiting for

Aneta Cichla


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