Edition 7 (242) July 2019


All you need is… happiness!

Bonheur, glück, felicidad, felicità, lykke, szczęście – in whatever language, such a beginning can only mean one thing: that this latest edition of the magazine is all about happiness!

Ewa Andrzejewska
Big picture


85 000 is the size in square metres of the Galeria Młociny shopping centre in Warsaw, developed by a joint venture between EPP and Echo Investment in an investment of PLN 640 mln.

Office & mixed-use development

Ghelamco builds, leases and sells

POLAND Ghelamco is to sell the Warsaw Spire skyscraper to Immofinanz for app. EUR 386 mln in what could be the biggest office investment transaction in Poland this year.

Office & mixed-use development

Warsaw’s centre of attention

In Warsaw your most interesting project is your planned demolition of the Ilmet office building at Rondo ONZ and the construction of the 180m Warsaw One tower in its place. What’s happening with this project right now?

Rafał Ostrowski
Stock market report

Ready to play catch-up

The first half of 2019 earned top marks, but only on the stock exchanges of the US and Western Europe. In Poland the performance was satisfactory, but as a result of this and also of Poland’s excellent economic data the hope seems justified that international investors are not going to miss out on what’s on offer in Warsaw


Wising up to smart cities

Fast and cheap transport, intelligent systems that make life easier, clean air and happy citizens. This is no science-fiction utopia, but the next stage of urban development: the smart city

Agnieszka Zielińska

Going rental

A glut of projects with hundreds of apartments for rent are now being launched as investors finally come round to seeing the potential of the Polish PRS market

Tomasz Cudowski

Five-star gazing

In Poland you can now stay at some of the best hotels in the world. We’ve become used to them being there and even take them for granted. As it’s the summer holiday period, let’s take a look at what we can choose from if five stars is our basic criterion for choosing where to stay. but There are only a few places of this standard – and as it turns out That’s partly our fault

Anna Pakulniewicz

The fire in the belly of an architect

They’ve been through the odd sticky patch, but they also have projects they’re proud of under their belts. Jems Architekci studio partners Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski and Marcin Sadowski tell us all about that and what it really means to them to be an architect

Rafał Ostrowski
Human resources

The weight of happiness

Money can’t buy you happiness – or so people say. But what’s the best way to spread happiness, or at least keep people in a good mood, when these are such unpredictable and fleeting feelings, and everything in managing a real estate company is generally based on more concrete considerations?

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska

The Heart of the matter

The tenth office conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences confirmed that investors are still interested in the Polish office market, although the times of sky-high profits and yield compression are now behind us. it’s now much more important for developers to know what tenants are looking for rather than what investors want


Of rising costs and too few millennials

The warehouse and logistics market in Poland is booming to accommodate a burgeoning e-commerce sector, which looks set to continue to grow. The mood at the 15th CEE Warehouse and Logistics Conference organised by Eurobuild conferences and held on June 25th was optimistic for the future of the industry, with clear blue skies stretching out to the horizon

Alex Hayes

The solution to all our lexical challenges

“Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?” asks Syme in George Orwell’s ‘1984’. when I first read this sentence as a maladjusted snotty-nosed teenager, the effect it had on me was chilling – but at least i still had the words to express this


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