Edition 12 (246) December 2019


A time to catch our breath

The world record for holding one’s breath currently stands at 24 minutes and 11 seconds – a death (or at least, serious injury) defying feat performed by Croatian free-diving amateur Budimir Buda Šobat in February 2018.

Ewa Andrzejewska

Surfing the wave of the Zeitgeist

Can you tell me about yourselves?

Alex Hayes

Exit as important as the entry

What factor is the most important in attracting investors to Poland?

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski

Prologis works on three parks

EUROPE Prologis has recently signed a 50,000 sqm lease with Raben in Prologis Park Ruda Śląska and the tenant is to move into the BTS warehouse and office complex in Prologis Park Ruda Śląska in mid 2020.


No slowdown for Panattoni

POLAND With parks under construction, completed projects and investment deals – Panattoni Europe again has its hands full. The latest large-scale project that the company has announced is Panattoni Park Gdańsk Airport, which is to comprise almost 107,000 sqm gla in four warehouse buildings. Already the first lease has been signed with BBK which will take up 68,500 sqm for its Home & You store chain. Construction work is to start before the end of the year and be completed in mid-2020. The tenant was advised by Colliers International. “An airport always contributes to the development of its surrounding area. Because of the well-developed transport links nearby, industrial, and warehouse as well as office and retail projects are springing up in the area as part of an airport city development,” says Marek Dobrzycki, the managing director of Panattoni Europe.


Proptech in the warehouse and logistic market

PropTech is a trend that has recently stormed the real estate market – and commercial properties have been no exception. It has undoubtedly set the course for the future development of the sector. New technology is now being used not only in the operation of buildings, but is also crucial at the design stage. Such systems as LED lighting, cloud utility monitoring and automatic licence plate recognition have been included as standard in Segro logistics parks for some time now.

Stock market report

Waiting for Santa

Autumn has not been a sluggish or discouraging time for stock market investors – especially for those active on developed markets. The bull market in the US has now become the longest in its history. The Polish stock exchange, by contrast, hasn’t been doing quite as well, but there has been some growth, with developers being the stand-out performers

Christmas Feature

The Sweet magic of Christmas

Is it possible to feel the magic of Christmas on a cloudy November morning? For a number of people in real estate the answer seems to be a resounding ‘Yes’: they rolled up their sleeves, baked gingerbread and opened their hearts to help the Iskierka foundation and the children in its care

Ewa Andrzejewska

Restorative powers

He has been renovating old factories in Łódź for twenty years. But he’s not averse to taking on modern buildings, either. Right now he’s polishing off the first stage of his latest project. Krzysztof Witkowski, the CEO of Virako, tells us how he started out, coped during crises and where he draws his inspiration from. He also tells us what he’s got his eye on next

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Investment & finance

Bettering the West

As the spectre of recession stalks Western markets, and as retail in the US faces its ‘apocalypse’ and the uncertainty over Brexit continues to cause jitters, is there any cause for concern on the real estate investment market in our part of the world? Sean Doyle, the head of capital markets at CBRE Poland, tells us why everything in our garden is still blooming despite what’s going on “over there”

Nathan North
Investment & finance

This sporting business life

One of the challenges that now lies ahead for Daniel Puchalski is “to speed things up,” he claims. “We have a great agency with a fantastic team, but every company needs a boost in the form of new people with energy and a different view of the business,” declares the new managing partner of Knight Frank

Tomasz Cudowski
Investment & finance

Selling up and staying on

To some a sale and leaseback agreement is a novel way to free up capital, but to others it’s really not that complicated

Alex Hayes
Eurobuild Awards

So much owed to so few

Never before have such distinctions been awarded in the history of the Eurobuild Awards. Five companies: JLL, Ghelamco, Griffin Real Estate, JLL and Panattoni Europe have been singled out for their achievements over the past decade

Rafał Ostrowski

Of MICE and hotel management

As the demand for conference hotels continues to grow rapidly across Poland, the hospitality sector is having its work cut out to satisfy it. And it is managing to do so – as the number of hotels with at least some conference space increases by the year

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska

MAPIC weathers the storm

The cold and rainy weather, both in Cannes and in the retail sector, did not conspire to spoil the MAPIC fair this year

Rafał Ostrowski

LED there be light

Maybe you know the one about the light bulb that has been switched on at fire station in Livermore, California for almost 120 years? A rough calculation puts that at about a million hours. so what’s so great about LED lighting with a life expectancy that’s only estimated by their producers at a meagre 100,000 hours?

Tomasz Cudowski


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