Edition 5 (200) May 2015


Not a time for false modesty

When Ernest Kiruja unveiled ‘Eurobuild Poland’ magazine to the world for the first time at the Cannes fair in 1998, I was a journalism student sitting in a lecture hall.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Boomtown Bydgoszcz

POLAND The interest of investors from the modern business services sector in the potential of Bydgoszcz and its surrounding areas has been growing for the last two or three years. This is mostly due to the fact that the labour markets in the most popular locations, the ‘first-choice’ cities (such as Kraków and Wrocław), have been slowly drying up.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Investment & finance

Offensive in progress

POLAND Hungarian company TriGranit Development Corporation is to deepen its involvement in the Polish market. The company is now planning to begin the construction phase of the third stage of its project in Poznań. This year it is also planning to start the construction of another office building in the Bonarka 4 Business (B4B) complex in Kraków. And that’s not all – new retail and office projects are in the pipeline, in investment outlay totalling EUR 500 mln.

Aneta Cichla
Investment & finance

Luck on their side

‘Eurobuild CEE’: Atlas Estates has been operating in the region for ten years. Which markets are the most important for the company? Reuven Havar, general director of Atlas Management Company (the Atlas Estates group): We have projects in four countries in the region, but Poland is the main market for us.

Tomasz Szpyt
Retail & leisure

Not just cosmetic changes

What stage has your network of chemist stores now reached? Anna Wierzbicka, president of the board, Dayli: We are most developed in the southwest of the country. We are not present in the north and east of Poland.

Anna Pakulniewicz

Large projects on the horizon

What stage has your project on the Wiatraczna roundabout in Warsaw now reached? When will the construction process be launched? Marek Roefler, president of the board of Dantex: It is a very large and complicated project. We are currently applying for the administrative permits needed for its implementation.

Tomasz Szpyt
Stock market report

Things looking rosy in Warsaw

After two months of an upward rally, the construction companies index has slowed down a little. The WIG20 has now reached a level not seen since September 2014, but in the light of how developed countries’ indexes are currently doing, the mood on the WSE is not unduly optimistic


History well written

This edition is a truly special one. Eurobuild has been around for 17 years, during which time 200 issues have been published, writing about all the latest projects, trends... and the most important people on the market, who have been with us all the way. Now it’s their turn to write what they think about us

Ewa Andrzejewska

200 shades of great

Does anyone remember the day we started?

Tomasz Szpyt

Changing hands

In the last few quarters a number of ownership changes have been taking place for development companies. Some of the largest have been put up for sale – GTC, Echo Investment, TriGranit and a whole host of smaller companies. Some transactions have finalised, others are still in progress, and some are not going to happen

Nathan North, Tomasz Szpyt
Retail & leisure

First on the scene

The requirements of Polish customers when it comes to retail are now greater than ever, leading developers to come up with new concepts for leasing new centres. We asked Jacek Wachowicz, a board member of Globe Trade Centre (GTC), which direction the profiling of the latest retail projects is heading in and how developers are coping with the leasing of malls in the current market situation

Aneta Cichla
Retail & leisure

Never in a month of Sundays

Hungary has now introduced a Sunday shopping ban, significantly changing the way retailers and shopping centres operate in the country. How much will it hinder the operations of tenants and landlords?

Agata Kłapeć

More than just a builder

The Polish branch of French construction giant Bouygues is planning to carve out for itself a larger share of the domestic market. The key to achieving it is to be not just another construction company but to be different, carrying out more demanding and complex projects, bringing added value to clients and promoting design & build type projects and PPP schemes. We have asked David Lebot, the CEO of Karmar, about the company’s vision and strategy

Rafał Ostrowski

Staking out a claim

When construction margins are falling, claim management specialists are never short of work. In such times firms fighting for every penny need to look after their businesses more carefully – and whether a profit or loss can be made out of a contract often depends on how good it is at pursuing claims

Rafał Ostrowski

After the acquisition

The Orbis hotel group faces new challenges. After acquiring 38 existing hotels from its strategic partner Accor, the company has entered new European markets and enlarged its portfolio with two new brands. We discuss the opportunities brought about by the changes and the chain’s development strategy in the region with Gilles Clavie, the president of the management board and CEO of Orbis

Aneta Cichla
Warehouse & industrial

Enter the Dragon 2.0

Ten years ago, Robert Dobrzycki, the managing partner for Europe of Panattoni Europe, rented a room and had one clear goal: to build a company from scratch. Now he has app. 3 mln sqm of warehouses under his belt and an appetite for more. He is now looking at opportunities for entering other countries, such as Romania, and to invest in smaller Polish markets, like Rzeszów, Lublin and Szczecin

Ewa Andrzejewska

Under the facade

A city’s success, which is increasingly often being measured by the number of awards it wins and its position in various rankings, has many fathers and mothers. But its failure doesn’t even have a foster parent

Agata Kłapeć


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