Edition 11 (235) November 2018


Shop the blues away

January is apparently the most depressing time of the year. It also brings with it what’s supposed to be the most depressing day of the year – the third Monday of that month, which has come to be known as Blue Monday (a term coined by psychologist Cliff Arnall), and so the first month allegedly beats November hands down in the gloom stakes.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Skanska on a Wave

CEE REGION Skanska is currently working on a number of office investments across the Central and Eastern Europe and the Swedish company now has ongoing developments in Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland.

Investment & finance

Knight rides into Budapest

Why is it now that Knight Frank has decided to open its office in Budapest? Have you had any kind of presence on the Hungarian market before?

Alex Hayes Interviewer
Stock market report

There may be trouble ahead

We’ve probably peaked already – this, in short, is the attitude that has taken hold on the global stock exchanges towards the construction and development sectors. Reasons for further share price growth has become increasingly thin on the ground and the Polish construction sector in particular should brace itself for an exceptionally difficult period ahead. Developers are still benefitting from booming demand – although there are also some signs that they too might be running out of steam


Enter the rationalists

Bigger is not necessarily better, but nonetheless Atrium is concentrating on larger shopping centres. at the opening of the extension to promenada in Warsaw, Liad Barzilai, the CEO of Atrium European Real Estate, and Scott Dwyer, Atrium’s COO, told us why

Aneta Cichla, Alex Hayes
Investment & finance

Going up in the FTSE world

After years of playing catch-up, Poland has grown in the estimation of global investors, as more and more ratings agencies reclassify it as a developed market. This has yet to become the general consensus, but the country is scoring points for its sustained economic growth

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Investment & finance

He who takes risks...

Hagag has recently gone to the Tel Aviv stock exchange to raise EUR 15 mln and where does it want to invest the money? Why, in Bucharest. Yitzhak Hagag explains why his company is investing in a market where many fear to tread

Alex Hayes Interviewer
Investment & finance

The shed’s the star

According to recent surveys, warehousing is now the most sought-after asset class for European investors, overtaking office for the first time, as e-commerce continues its unstoppable growth. what does this mean for our region, where Poland and the Czech Republic are the most preferred markets for logistics investors?

Nathan North
Retail & leisure

Polish brands go global

Fashion retailers from Poland are accelerating their expansion plans and are showing no fear of foreign rivals as they move into markets such as Russia and the Middle East

Agnieszka Zielińska

Plants invade our thinking space

‘Eurobuild CEE’ magazine sat down with Thomas Feichtner, a Viennese designer of furniture and other everyday items to talk about his work, the workplace itself... and the all-too-human obsession with efficiency

Interviewer Anna Pakulniewicz
Eurobuild Awards

Difficult choices all year round

At this year’s annual Eurobuild Awards one of the categories is Most Investor-Friendly City. So how have developers been getting along with local authorities lately?

Tomasz Cudowski

At home in the office

You can’t develop modern real estate while ignoring the local context and traditions. And when designing buildings, their interiors and fittings, the crucial thing is to pay attention to the well-being of their users and the natural environment – these were among the conclusions drawn from the topics discussed at the third Eurobuild Festival of Architecture and Construction

Tomasz Cudowski

The sweet pong of sporting success

More than 60 people took part in CMT and Eurobuild’s 3rd Table Tennis Tournament for the real estate and construction market on Saturday, September 3rd in Warsaw

Tomasz Cudowski

Crisis cancelled

Warehouses and apartments for rent as investment products, new sources of capital and the digital revolution in real estate – these were among the themes and buzzwords that dominated the latest Expo Real fair in Munich, which took place over three days in early October. The event was attended by a record number of guests and exhibitors – and Poland played no small part in this

Tomasz Cudowski

As automated as they come

Vending machines are now a fixture in both our cities and our offices. Some will stop us dying of starvation or thirst, while others – feed our addictions. Which of these can we no longer live without? Here is my subjective ranking

Tomasz Cudowski


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