Edition 12 (254) December 2020


Everyone needs a Happy New Year

This December issue of Eurobuild might seem stranger than usual... Normally it’s full of photos from last year of happy people proudly holding aloft statuettes and of others excitedly commenting on the upcoming presentation of the Eurobuild Awards.

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

The pride and spirit of Łódź

Krzysztof Witkowski, the CEO of Virako on winning at MIPIM and taking part in major yachting races.

Small talk

Taking control of the home

Jerzy Ryłko, Robert Orlewski and Maciej Putniorz of S-Labs, on what makes their home management platform, Appartme, stand out from the crowd.

Small talk

Plac Unii – not just for Christmas

Bogda Korolczuk of Invesco Real Estate on the transformation that awaits the Plac Unii shopping and office complex in Warsaw.

Stock market report

Christmas has come early?

Although in October and November the pandemic was still raging, investors could finally see the light – and maybe even a few of them, the end of the tunnel itself. As a result, the indices rose despite the recession and the restrictions as faith in a brighter future won out. More to the point, this faith was not unfounded

Christmas Feature

We’re all staying brave!

As you may well know, the current situation has forced us to postpone the Eurobuild Awards gala. This, the most important event in sector of the year, not only recognises the best projects and the achievements of the best firms, but also supports the Iskierka Foundation, which helps children with cancer and their families. Our next, eleventh Gala still lies ahead of us, but we didn’t want to wait for this. And so, with the help of some of our friends, we held a charity event to make sure not one child looked after by the Foundation would be left without a gift this December.

Eurobuild CEE

Coworking at the crossroads

Flex office operators are only busy with the paperwork these days. Even though their clients aren’t coming into the office, they’re still paying. Flexible leases have not turned out to be the panacea for these times, but the market is still waiting for what the spring will bring

Rafał Ostrowski
Office & mixed-use development

The season for coworking

Despite the pandemic-related issues some serviced office operators are facing (as we have covered in our main article), new flexible work space is still sprouting up everywhere like mushrooms after the rain.

Warehouse & industrial

Across the CEE warehouse universe

For investors, the logistics and industrial sector in Poland has been the golden boy of the pandemic, but the CEE region is more than just one country – and when we turn our eyes further afield, the sector retains much of its lustre

Alex Hayes
Human resources

Covid conclusions

Each day we are bombarded with as many opinions and warnings about the impact of Covid-19 on the economy and society as there are publications and commentators ready to give them. And yet, despite having all this comment and data at our fingertips, if we were honest we’d just say we’re still trying to work out how best to adapt and survive in this situation

Gergely Stewart and Rustam Faskhutdinov of Adelphi Recruitment
Green projects

The city that was given the green light

It might seem as though the virtues of green city areas couldn’t possibly be trumpeted any louder than they are right now. However, soon such areas – active ecosystems where people can spend their free time – are likely to be eulogised even further, when the World Horticultural Expo comes to Łódź in 2029. And the preparations for this global event are already well underway

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska

Taxing times ahead

There are lots of myths about the Polish tax system, but the idea that it’s constantly being changed is not one of them. Poland has undertaken many reforms aimed at tightening the tax system in recent years. And it needs to be stressed that the real estate sector is of especial interest to the state treasury

Justyna Bauta-Szostak, a partner and legal and tax advisor, and Piotr Paśko, a tax advisor and manager, of MDDP

Landlord – you ain’t no lord

Renting a new apartment is not the easiest thing to do – especially in the times we’re in. Just ask me, I know this all too well! The searching is much harder. It’s also much more difficult to arrange a viewing, and then there’s the moving in. And after that, if there’s a communication breakdown between the landlord and the tenant, well, you’ve got yourself the script for a Hollywood thriller

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska


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