Edition 5 (268) May 2022


Finding new energy

I can’t wait for the days when our hearts and minds will no longer be preoccupied by the tragedy unfolding across our eastern border and life there becomes boring with steady economic growth and a stable political situation. Unfortunately, that does not look like happening any time soon

Tomasz Cudowski, editor-in-chief
Small talk

A new five-year plan

Tomasz Trzósło, the chairman of the board of EPP, on why the Polish developer has de-listed, what impact the pandemic has had on its strategy, and what it’s doing to help ease the plight of refugees in the wake of the latest unforeseen crisis

Small talk

Lifelong contrarians

Budapest-based Adventum Group has been hitting the headlines recently with a series of high profile acquisitions – not least that of Sky Tower in Wrocław. Kristóf Bárány, a founding partner and chairman of the board, tells us how they got where they are today and where they might be going next

Small talk

Shopping for scale

Radosław Świątkowski, the co-founder and CEO of Reino Group, one of our local asset and investment management success stories, tells us how it has grown into one of the biggest deal makers on the market in just 12 years

Stock market report

Down with the war – and inflation!

With all the uncertainty generated by the war in Ukraine and fears of further interest rate hikes, the mood of investors has hardly improved over the last month. The construction industry faces its own problems, with rising prices and labour shortages, but nonetheless output is still high. For developers, demand remains an unknown, as prices rise and the economy begins to slow

Warehouse locations

Ready to go the extra mile

Technology-driven, pandemic boosted and recession-resistant – the expansion of the last-mile warehousing market in our part of the world at the moment seems almost unstoppable. But young, booming property segments always bring with them new issues that need addressing

Nathan North
The Expert Eye

Going that last mile

Although the costs of such processes as inventory supplies and storage, order picking, added-value services and returns management may appear to be key in logistics, it is the last-mile that induces headaches, as it accounts for 50 pct or more of all supply chain spend

Damian Kołata, Cushman & Wakefield
Office & mixed-use development

When a million just isn’t enough

Polish developer Cavatina is one of our home-grown success stories. After a string of impressive developments across the country, it has now listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. So, we spoke to chairman of the board, Rafał Malarz

Tomasz Cudowski
Urban planning

Many little centres

Modern metropolises are too big to have just one centre. In the ideal city, functions are shared by regions and districts. and they are varied – right down to the level of residential estates. Such a city has a better standard of living for its residents along with reduced transport costs and emissions

Magdalena Rachwald
Case study

The art of living in a factory

It’s difficult to think of another renovation and conversion project on such a scale in Poland. And despite the nationwide boom in mixed-use projects, it’s also hard to find another project with so many users under one roof that have been chosen so well

Julia Cudowska
Workplace solutions

Going hybrid

Although the pandemic has recently shuffled off the centre stage, it has now been with us for over two years. This is long enough to assess the pros and cons of remote working, which Covid-19 forced most of us into. The experts are almost unanimously of the view that it’s better to turn up to the office at least occasionally

Anna Korólczyk-Lewandowska
For Ukraine

With a little help from my friends

Although troops had been massing on the Russian border with Ukraine for several weeks, many were still taken by surprise when on February 24th the order was given to invade a neighbouring sovereign country

Alex Hayes

Still a good time to invest

In spite of the troubled times we live in, the real estate market players who once again gathered at Eurobuild’s annual investment conference were confident in their strong belief in the Polish and CEE real estate markets

Rafał Ostrowski

Rivers of humanity and compassion

On the morning of February 24th, logistics became our national obsession. In just a few hours, it seemed that the entire country had mobilised itself for the transport of thousands of people, pets, food and other essential items – and also to ensure that they were all headed for the right destinations

Magdalena Rachwald


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