Edition 11 (215) November 2016


Real estate, real changes

It was the opening of the West Station office building at the end of October and one of the events laid on was a vertical dancing show – mountaineers dancing on ropes on the façade of the building. As the crowd watched, many recorded it or took photos. Later they would probably have shown them to their wives, husbands, children or colleagues; they could also publish this on YouTube for the whole world to see.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Retail & leisure

First shopping in Posnania

POLAND Apsys Polska had been waiting for this day for 20 years. Ten years after the opening of Manufaktura in Łódź, they have now opened Posnania’s doors to its first shoppers. Apsys’ latest mall has an area of 100,000 sqm and has been built in an investment of PLN 1.2 bln (EUR 300 mln).

Ewa Andrzejewska

Another happy quarter

POLAND The boom on the residential market continues with most developers having seen another good quarter. But not all of them can brag about an increase in sales. The best results were those of Murapol, which sold 744 apartments, representing a 14 pct increase on the same period of the previous year. The company is planning to sell as many as 3,000 apartments this year, which compares with 2,400 apartments sold in 2015.

Warehouse & industrial

Panattoni’s autumn offensive

POLAND/CZECH REPUBLIC Raben Logistics Polska has leased 42,526 sqm of warehouse space in Panattoni Park Grodzisk III near Warsaw. Industrial developer Panattoni is to develop three buildings for the tenant with the work to be completed in December 2017.

Stock market report

The return of the king

Autumn has so far been a waiting period on the stock exchanges. On the one hand, the entire world of finance has been watching the United States and its presidential elections; on the other, Europe in particular has been focusing on difficulties in the banking sector, the clearest example of which is the ailing Deutsche Bank, a member of the ‘too big to fall’ group


The REIT way forward

There is more uncertainty in the commercial property investment market in Poland, but the country remains an attractive destination for international real estate investors. Hadley Dean, the CEO of Warsaw-based real estate investment trust Echo Polska Properties (EPP), tells us about its acquisition plans in the near future

Adam Zdrodowski

The maker of miracles

David Mitzner, the co-founder and CEO of Apollo-Rida, has passed away aged 101. We, and his friends and colleagues, pay tribute to the great man and his remarkable life

Nathan North
Investment & finance

Trust is key

Is the era of cheap money over? What implications might Brexit have for the Polish economy? How to boost investment? These are some of the questions we put to Jan Antony Vincent-Rostowski, Poland’s former deputy prime minister and finance minister from 2007 to 2013

Retail & leisure

Onwards and outwards

The number of extensions and redevelopments of modern shopping centres has been slowly declining, but it is still a very strong trend. The buildings are getting older and consumers more and more demanding. Anyone dragging their feet when it comes to making changes could end up being left behind

Tomasz Szpyt

Travelling companion

It has been almost two years since AccorHotels transferred most of its CEE operations to its Polish subsidiary Orbis. We spoke to Laurent Picheral, the CEO of HotelServices in Central and Eastern Europe of AccorHotels, about the results of this that can be seen today and the company’s future strategy

Rafał Ostrowski
Eurobuild Awards

The game changers

There are nine of them, each is different, but all are exceptional. On December 6th THE WINNER OF THE AWARD AND WHO WILL BE GOING HOME CLUTCHING the statuette WILL BE REVEALED AT THE Eurobuild Awards gala. Here we prOFILE the nominees for the Personality of the Year award

Ewa Andrzejewska

Architecture is atmosphere

A meeting of architects, developers, investors and real estate specialists – Eurobuild’s first Festival of Architecture, which took place at the Association of POLISH Architects in Warsaw’s Zamoyski Palace on September 14th

Rafał Ostrowski

Not so scary this winter

Despite the glut of new supply on the office market and the growth in vacancy, business is still chugging along and there is reason for optimism – or so the prevailing view seemed to be at the 7th Office Market for Poland conference organised by ‘Eurobuild CEE’

Rafał Ostrowski

Investors target the region

The 19th International Trade Fair for Property and Investment – or Expo Real 2016 – took place in Munich in early October. It was attended by a record number of exhibitors: 1,768 from 29 countries and 39,000 visitors representing 77 countries (1.9 pct more than in 2015)

Tomasz Szpyt

Living in an unreal world

People have no imagination, I once heard someone involved office leasing say. “Unless you show them something, they have problems imagining it,” he added, while talking about the new methods for presenting office space using 3D technology

Tomasz Szpyt


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