Edition 1 (197) January 2015


You say you want a resolution?

Lose weight, make more money and quit or at least cut down on smoking, drinking alcohol, playing pokeror other types of gambling… these tend to top the list of New Year’s resolutions, according to all the research.

Ewa Andrzejewska
Investment & finance

DTZ returns to the game

What is the atmosphere like in the company after the change in ownership?

Tomasz Szpyt

Poland always on their mind

Why did Strabag Real Estate decide to enter Poland?

Tomasz Szpyt
Warehouse & industrial

MLP version 2.0

Launching the construction of three new parks in Poland and simultaneously debuting on the German market with two parks opening in the country – these are MLP’s ambitious plans for H1 2015. A year ago you said that you would double the total area of warehouses from 350,000 sqm to 700,000 sqm within three years. Has anything changed?

Rafał Ostrowski
Warehouse & industrial

Focused on Bolero

Last year Real Management completed three projects and fully leased them all. In the latest of these – Good Point Puławska III – the entire area was leased by Grupa OEX. The three stages of the warehouse project have a combined area of almost 100,000 sqm. What are your plans regarding this project?

Stock market report

Russian worries for the world of finance

The last six weeks of 2014 saw only slight movements in the indexes. There was no Santa Claus Rally on the Warsaw Stock Exchange this time. Jack Frost made an appearance instead: the dreadful situation of the Russian ruble and the Moscow stock exchange certainly took its toll on the WSE.

Investment & finance

Ghelamco flexes its muscles

POLAND Ghelamco Invest plans to raise PLN 250 mln from a public offer of 2.5 mln bonds, hoping to tempt investors with new projects. The company is also in the process of obtaining bank financing. It is currently in negotiations over the lease of an amount of space in the Warsaw Spire project, which will comprise a total of 109,000 sqm. The potential tenants are from the financial sector (a total area of app. 34,500 sqm), from the IT and new technologies sector (app. 31,000 sqm), from the consultancy sector (app. 4,000 sqm) and from the public sector (app. 12,000 sqm). So far the tenants secured for the complex are Frontex – the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (14,600 sqm) and BNP Paribas Securities Services (4,000 sqm).

Tomasz Szpyt
Eurobuild Awards

Not writing his memoirs just yet

He likes to style himself as a coach, in the belief that there are many parallels between business and sport. And he insists that business achievements should not all be about making money. Sándor Demján, the founder of the TriGranit Holding development company, which operates across the CEE region, shares his life story with us

Eurobuild Awards

The Fifth Eurobuild Awards Gala at the Warsaw Hilton hotel

“Five gold rings!” This, of course, is the resounding refrain from everyone’s favourite Christmas carol. And while the weather might not have been very Christmassy this time around, the fifth Eurobuild Awards Gala at the Warsaw Hilton hotel on December 4th was every bit as resounding in terms of the successes that were celebrated and the fun that was ha

Eurobuild Awards

All roads led to the Eurobuild Awards 2014 gala on December 4th, 2014

While the echoes of a memorable event held recently by Tristan could still be heard in the background, the sector was gearing up for yet another spectacular event to round off the year – the fifth Eurobuild Awards gala night

Eurobuild Awards

Where tenant rotation is unheard of

The prize for the Best Office Building in Poland was jointly awarded to Forum 76 Business Centre in Łódź and Łużycka Office Park in Gdynia by the users of these properties. These developments, by Virako and Allcon, beat off more than 50 other nominees

Anna Pakulniewicz
Eurobuild Awards

Patience is the key

At the 5th Eurobuild Awards, Grzegorz Zawada of Mermaid Properties, who looks after the Cross Point office building in Łódź, was chosen as the best office building manager by tenants, obtaining the highest score out of 54 nominees

Anna Pakulniewicz
Eurobuild Awards

Number one mall keeps its crown

It has over 35,000 fans on Facebook, a footfall of 9 mln people every year and it has just been selected as the best shopping centre in Poland in 2014. Galeria Echo in Kielce was the winner of the Eurobuild Awards 2014 in the tenants’ vote. we take a closer look at the mall

Aneta Cichla
Eurobuild Awards

Life abhors a vacuum

He’s good at compromising, an effective negotiator, but above all he’s a competent manager. Grzegorz Czekaj, the director of Galeria Echo in Kielce, has won the tenants’ vote for the second year in a row for the best shopping centre manager in Poland

Tomasz Szpyt
Eurobuild Awards

Champion at the crossroads

Its location on a major motorway junction, its management and its technical quality – these are the greatest strengths of Panattoni’s park in Stryków – and has earned it a Eurobuild Award from its tenants

Rafał Ostrowski
Eurobuild Awards

Close to the tenant

Alliance Silesia Logistics Center in Czeladź was in the eyes of tenants the Best managed warehouse in 2014. Krzysztof Jaśkiewicz, the marketing and leasing director at Menard Doswell & Co., explains why the award came as a surprise, but a very pleasant one

Rafał Ostrowski

Four times lucky...?

The Polish real estate investment market has performed strongly for the second year in a row. In 2014 properties with a total value of app. EUR 3 bln changed hands. This year looks to be an equally promising one, even though purchasing opportunities will now have to be sought out in the regions

Tomasz Szpyt
Retail & leisure

Wake up and sell the coffee

As large international coffee house chains continue to open new branches across CEE markets, they are also encountering a shift in consumer preferences worldwide. Faced with falling footfall in malls and consumers’ growing demand for a better social experience, these networks are experimenting with new locations and store formats

Agata Kłapeć

Come on, Skra!

A match has been taking place at the Skra Stadium in Warsaw, the outcome of which is so far unclear and now requires adjudication. The final result is expected in March 2015

Anna Pakulniewicz
Interior Design

New technology

Touch-screen mirrors for personalised shopping


A great future ahead of us?

It’s hard to believe, but the latest Eurobuild CEE annual conference, which took place in the Warsaw Hilton hotel on November 28th, was the twentieth time we have held this event. For the occasion all the most eminent people on the Real estate market were gathered together to sum up the last two decades. However, it was not only recollections of the state of the market twenty years ago that were exchanged at the meeting. there were also forecasts for the future


Modesty on wheels

Even though we have emerged from the Christmas shopping fever with empty wallets and daunting credit card bills, it’s time for another shopping spree again, as the January sales are upon us. However, somewhere in America we are being laughed at by enthusiasts of life minimalism, who live in their small wheeled houses

Rafał Ostrowski
Retail & leisure

Becoming more core

Atrium European Real Estate, which has recently been through some extensive changes, including the appointment of a new CEO for both the Group and for Atrium Poland, has got its appetite back for growth. Its top management spoke to us about where the company is heading


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