Edition 7 (212) July 2016


Cards on the table

Do you actually know what a fax looks like?

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Turning Mordor into Rivendell

POLAND JLL has published its insights into the largest office cluster in Poland: Warsaw’s Służewiec district, unfondly nicknamed ‘Mordor’ by those who work there. Służewiec comprises 75 office buildings in which 83,000 people work and is travelled to by 30,000 cars every day.

Investment & finance

Emilia on the way to court?

POLAND The Minister of the Treasury, under the current administration that took office in 2015, has made an official complaint to the public prosecutor alleging that the Ministry of the previous administration was guilty of an abuse of trust in the sale of an 85 pct stake of the Meble Emilia company. Any wrong-doing, if proven, could be punishable by up to ten years in prison.

Tomasz Szpyt
Warehouse & industrial

Speeding up expansion

Where are your next logistics parks going being developed?

Interviewer: Rafał Ostrowski
Stock market report

The world after Brexit

In June the stock markets were dominated by anticipation of the result of the UK referendum on leaving the European Union. The atmosphere was tense and volatile – and the outcome seemed to take even the most prepared investor by surprise. The sell-offs that followed it hit the construction sector hardest


Echo from the top

Nicklas Lindberg, Skanska’s former manager for the CEE region and now heading Echo Investment, has ambitions to turn the company into the most effective development machine around after its sale to a consortium including Griffin Real Estate, Pimco and Oaktree, as well as the sale of 75 pct of its standing assets to Redefine Properties

Rafał Ostrowski, Tomasz Szpyt
Investment & finance

The personal touch

As the UK struggles with the aftermath of its engagement with Europe, Savills, that most British of consultancies, continues to do the opposite. Despite its bigger rivals having a head start in our part of the world, it was recently involved in the takeover of Echo – the biggest deal of its kind in Poland so far. ‘Eurobuild CEE’ met up with Savills’ group CEO Jeremy Helsby as he dropped in on the company’s Polish operations

Nathan North
Office & mixed-use development

Google my office!

Companies in Poland are now trying to outdo each other in terms of creating ‘the coolest’ office. It might seem that having the greatest ‘wow’ effect has become the main thing. However, this phenomenon is not just all about aesthetics and ostentation

Anna Pakulniewicz
Office & mixed-use development

Bases for innovation

The global giants are knocking on Poland’s door in their search for IT specialists. Nokia, Samsung and Google are just a few examples of companies that have chosen the country as the location for their research and development centres

Rafał Ostrowski
Retail & leisure

Originality worth its weight in gold

A competitive market favours those who improve on the norm. The current Polish retail market is no exception. Hence the continuing emergence of new concepts, retail formats and tenant-mix formats

New technologies

The soft sell

The choice of the search filtering system and the product presentation method (the colour scheme, size, font and pattern) are crucial in the online store creation process. These features have to be put together in the right way. The important details include personalisation, customers’ opinions and automatically generated recommendations. So the right tools must be chosen before setting up an e-store. Roman Baluta, the president of e-commerce systems provider Orba, gives us some advice on the right technology to choose

Katarzyna Suska

Making an attractive Byd

A city that is changing, growing and attracting business. Bydgoszcz Regional Development Agency (BARR) representatives, developers and shared service centre market experts discussed the benefits of entering this local market during the breakfast meeting organised by Eurobuild Conferences


Investment stays on course

On June 7th, the 2nd Investment Market Conference organised by Eurobuild Conferences brought together more than 150 top class specialists and decision makers from across Poland and Europe at the Westin hotel in Warsaw to discuss the most important issues for the Polish real estate investment market

Tomasz Szpyt, Rafał Ostrowski

High (but not dry) noon

The 15th Eurobuild CEE Golf Tournament took place on June 17th at the First Warsaw Golf & Country Club in Rajszew. On the same day the tennis racquets of real estate representatives were in action during the 11th Eurobuild CEE Tennis Tournament at the WTS DeSki centre back in Warsaw. The success of both sporting events is usually mostly down to the competitors, but healthy sportsmanship and a fantastic atmosphere are always guaranteed and were again on show. But this time the elements played a part...

Anna Pakulniewicz

Time for a Brexplanation…

Giving foreign nationals such freedom of movement on their territory had led to a strange kind of witless panic among the English. However, when they finally decided to evict them from their turf, it turned out there was no real plan for doing so. The result left the nation bewildered, shell-shocked...

Nathan North


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